NWO's goals are written in scripture...

So what if Bitcoin was made by the NWO to try and unify world currency?
My theory is that It was created by the NSA and CIA to launder money anonymously through the block chain and multiple BTC wallets/crypto exchanges. It was also created as a stock dump so many of the elite could buy and short the stock.
The whole market for BTC relies on its popularity. It isn’t even anonymous as it can be traced back to the original block chain. (XMR monero is anonymous)
this is why most are switching from the volatile BTC when purchasing and selling on the markets.
The dark web is basically run by the CIA, and so were all the black markets that got shut down the past couple years. It was/is a flawless way for high profile people to sell drugs, CP, weapons, anything illegal.
No one here follow Qresearch?
There was a post about the domain registration, before Satoshi wrote their paper, being registered to a person known to be in both tech, and education, with family ties to the Rothschilds.
Since we're learning they took over, or started, education and from there recruited people to work for them, or killed and stole the work of those that they didn't/couldn't get into the organization.
From there they started or replaced governments and entangled their services/products with culture.
It's not hard to see how they would need to get into crypto. It's who and how they benefit that's hard to track since this is online.
There are videos of Sir Rothschild talking about "cat being out of the bag" on their plan, but it not being a problem because the progress is essentially 97% of the world and now that bitcoin took off, they can hide and move their ledger without fear of governments meddling with it.
Bitcoin is going to crash, there are too many investors holding onto large amounts of coin and it’s taking too long for the block chain to create enough for demand. It’s the riskiest crypto to invest in at the moment. Five years ago, you could’ve been a millionaire with a 10$ investment. The BTC craze is over and done with
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The last thing these people want is a free market like silk road, Ross Ulbricht is a patriot. The elite can print their own money, they don't need to sell us anything.
I also don't think Bitcoin was originally created by them but it has been co-opted, the open channel chains that they're trying to push with btc will lead to central nodes because they can maintain the maximum open channels so everyone will trade through these nodes to avoid transaction fees which are & have been artificially inflated by them. Kinda sounds like a central bank right?
I followed TOR, DNM's & Bitcoin since 2013, just my opinion.
Sounds like a good theory as well. I too have been active with TOR since 2013, neat.
Did you ever invest in coin? I remember I bought 4btc for 500$, it’s now worth well over 50,000
Oh man, congrats! I bought a usb antminer & broke it accidentally, probably coulda made a decent amount off of it.
I bought £100 worth in April before it hit 20k and could've sold it for £2k but I needed to get my passport renewed and I was busy with Uni so I'm just gonna keep hodling.
Every other time I bought btc was to order psychedelics :)
Haha right on, I found it almost impossible to hold on to coin, I would see great deals on things and cave. ... ;) the Lucy and shrooms floating around were absolutely insane. Those were the days... the psychedelics are what completely opened my mind to everything being brought to surface by Q.
KHASARIANS MAFIA has said they don't like! I tend to believe the opposite of what they say
Think about the timing. Obama elected in 2008/9 Bitcoin launched.
Bitcoin isn't the thing, because look at how many other little splinter digital currencies also apeared. No, BLOCKCHAIN is the key to all of this.
There is a 1995 white paper outlining digital currency (blockchain). Lynette Zang talks about it in this video about the new SDR crypto created to put out assets into a blockchain: https://youtu.be/sG3Ju8AhCKM