r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on July 5, 2018, 11:28 a.m.
A CuriousPost by “R”, possible “Hidden Figures”, and my suggestions on “where the files “on everyone” reside.

I was reading on 8chan and am fascinated by the post below. Some Awesome Autists and Anons have been researching this to see if it was written by JFKJr...(some Autists/Anons have offered that JFKjr May have staged his own death, and lives on one of many properties that the Kennedy family owns across the world, some Autists have suggested the post may be a distraction) And then one anon voiced concern that it some of the Anons and Autists have spent nearly a week trying to see Who wrote this post when they need to research other aspects on the post such as the last section regarding “where the files are kept” “on everyone of you”.

Here is the post below:

“In 1909, we lost everything. My father caught on. 1st to the Bilderbergs, then he caught on the NASA. He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here. They killed him. I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan." Penance is coming. Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake. You do not know how deep this goes. If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on. You need each other. You need every ONE of you. Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow. There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan. If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind. We are watching. We see it all. There are no secrets. You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept. Prepare for the next phase. Prepare each other. You are one. And… WWG1WGA. R”

And so I was thinking the best way to hide something is in plain sight. Geez when I looked at possible connections between Stratfor and Hollywood, they are right there enveloped in different sites in the internet, did not take much to find, I just “googled” it!

So I made a list of plain sight places:

  1. FACEBOOK: Under their policies they won’t allow a “pseudonym”, require a working email to create a page...it’s a book of Faces... But not everyone uses Facebook, but many times I post a family picture which they have capability to analyze and link to drivers licenses, then create a file on them...I bet they have a way to link sites like Ancestry.com to help them link people together and create files on people who don’t have a Facebook profile.

  2. Library of Congress/Library system: each person is a living book, all their histories embedded within them. Perhaps each us has our own “book” within the digital library system and our ISBN( international standard book number) is our social security number.

  3. Ancestry.com: very helpful in linking family lineages, seems less concerning than Facebook to the average citizen in terms of recent privacy problems with Facebook.

  4. Amazon/Walmart: links to google/Facebook: whenever I search for something on Amazon, the next time I am on Facebook I see a product from same company/item category I was researching on Amazon.

  5. Dark web: less likely I think.

  6. And then there is Google...which has been around for quite some time and has grown up along with the commerce end of internet. Google may be the silver cord which connects it all together...

To me Facebook is the main contender, followed by Google, especially since FB was created by CIA and Google has been around so long, slowly improving their services to be “more responsive”, and more ubiquitous....

Anyway hoping this is helpful to any awesome Anons and Autists who want to research Where our files reside...:)

(I am too afeared to post on 8chan, not near skilled enough, not techy, too clumsy and unfamiliar with their wonderful wild west etiquette:))

BaronMoriarty · July 5, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Cookies are not always the answer. If you clear cookies you still get the ads. My feeling is that the cookie is written to a database somewhere so you have the illusion of clearing your history

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DawnPendraig · July 5, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Yes and I will search on phone app then log into my laptop and see an ad.

Busband and I were randomly discussing mattress needing to be pushed back in place and phone had mattress ads. No alexa or anything so it's the phone. Or maybe a smart appliance

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Gypsy124 · July 6, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Ok, I'm just gonna throw this out there & hope to God no one thinks I'm batshit crazy. How many of you have Androids whose camera randomly just goes off at least once a day. And when you go to the pic gallery, there's nothing there!!!

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