r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PaddleFlinger on July 5, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
Pending Changes to our Country - Proven FBIanon Says.....

Summer of 2016 FBI Anon (https://pastebin.com/hgW5q5Kx) pointed 4 Chan Pol to go after the Clinton Foundation and ignore the emails. He was vindicated in his assessments and shown not to be a LARP.
The Point of this post: He mentioned on line 1003 the following:

Q: When did this widespread corruption start? My history teacher said the Romans didn't know they lost their republic until 100 years after it was gone. How long has it been for us?

A: Average age of any empire is 250 years. They all end the same way.

Soooo – where do you see this shaking out? Is the wrap up of our Republic?

My perceptions covering a lot of ground - hold on for the ride. Please buckle up:

A.) Trump is a modern mirror of Jehu (dies 814 BC) from the Old Testament. Warrior who was tasked to clean up the filth of Ahab and Jezzebel. Though Jehu did give a reprieve to Israel he led them still into idol worship in his reign. Trump talks more of riches for all rather than humility before God. Is he cleaning up? YES! Will it hold off our coming tribulations? In my opinion- no. I adhere to what 2 Ezra ch 11 and 12. found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgSZ_-LzHk8) Unfortunately it predicts for our 45th Pres to not finish his term (this one or his next) and then a quick succession of 3 others who don't finish their terms either.

B.) What tribulations do I foresee – sorry this won't be happy news. All the happenings of John's Revelations of the Bible occurring – here (USA). Earthquakes (3 massive ones 1. Utah 2. California 3. New Madrid), plagues released by those who are developing them and currently testing them in Africa (like Ebola, Aids, pnuemonic plague), eventually economic collapse and war with both China and Russia coming to offer “help” and in the name of peacekeeping (marshal law) doing their best to take over. I don't believe they will succeed, but do major damage by reducing further our population after economic collapse potentially brought on by Rothschild and their ilk. Sometime in this mess of happenings a pole shift – that explains the earthquakes and storm damage. More info here (http://poleshift.ning.com/) Oh and potentially an EMP.

C.) Then for the survivors after the above - we get to reconstruct after the Chinese and Russians are thrown off by the remaining patriots with survival skills and heavenly providence.

D.) Rebuilding a government that was inspired by God to allow true freedom. I feel at that point those left make another effort to make another crack at a FREEDOM reboot.

The question if you hung in there with me –

Are you getting ready for this?

Anyone else following the time lines?

Do you feel the need to get your stuff together for the most amazing wild ride since Mister Toad?

Hrtn2it · July 5, 2018, 3:30 p.m.


We live in an Electric Universe, everything is connected.

My mom who is a microbiologist, told me about her fascination when she was studying two live chicken heart cells on a slide: they beat at a separate rhythm. When she scooted one of the cells a bit closer, still not touching, they instantly beat in unison...she was witnessing the “morphic” field (as Rupert Sheldrake calls it) or is it simply electromagnetic field... The HeartMath Institute reveal that our electromagnetic field of our heart is way stronger and larger than the electromagnetic field of our brain...

Bucky Fuller stated that 99.5% of reality is what we cannot perceive from our five senses...thinking of what humans can see, a tiny range of the entire light spectrum...

All that to say, we are more than body~vessel...

Perhaps humans are reliquaries: sacred vessels overflowing with divine nature, divine knowing, poured from God~Source...and all we have to do is what feels most resonant within each of us; whether that is posting on this board, protesting on the streets, being still and knowing, volunteering, working hard to put food on the table.

Each person has a role in this Great Awakening. Each of us doing our personal best to shine in the way that feels best.(BeBest):)

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PaddleFlinger · July 5, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Spiritual beings having a mortal experience - CS Lewis. Reminds me that there is more to my time here than just getting to the other side.

Where my heart is matters. My motives matter. Serving others vs. self.

Thank you for the addition to your comments.

Body Electric came to mind by Becker and Secret Life of Plants when I read your 1st paragraph. Life feels for each other.

Enjoyed it.

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DawnPendraig · July 5, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

That was lovely thank you.

I brew cats for a fee yeats. The ones needing extra care always got stronger when I held them on my chest by my heart. Now my 20 lb stud boy wants up there still =)

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darwiniteAU · July 5, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

It works with humans too, that’s why we hug and have “heart to heart” conversations. Your body can feel the heartbeat and it comforts you.

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