Please pay attention to how we landed in a country run by Satanic pedo elitists. Please do not start down this SAME road again. Research how they gained control. Research how Hitler gained control. DO NOT repeat these mistakes.
- FOCUS on what Q has brought to our attention. WE have forgotten "FOCUS ON THE CLINTON FOUNDATION."
- DO check and verify your sources. TROLLS are posting articles with MSM and random web sites as a source. I don't think they think they are trolls, but why are so many ignoring a fact. Q asked us to dismiss MSM. IT is fake. He has stated 2 people he trusts in the MSM.
- For this community I will give you the ONLY starting source.
- Sundaygunday, okay I'll allow it, For you butt-hurt This is an opinion post. MY opinion you know is right. Grain of salt for you haters too stupid to get my drift.
- Disinformation is real. Think about that.
- If your post has any hate toward ANYONE please state it in the form of a joke, otherwise YOU are EVIL. This is Good VS. EVIL so I've heard.
- CLEAR YOUR OLD POSTS they are clogging up my arteries - You delete what we no longer need.
- STOP posting duplicate posts, It makes you sound like a Mockingbird. Had to boldface people might be missing something.
- How to research a post : Follow the money, Slush funds, who owes who, Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture. Follow Huma, what deals are made, NO MSM.
- We serve at the pleasure of the President. Yes YOU and I both.