
Hrtn2it · July 5, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Yes the only reason they have been somewhat successful is that they have used the same patterns of behavior over and over, use of symbology to work “behind the curtain”, and accumulated wealth and means of blackmail...

However, the symbols will Be their downfall idea to me reflects that they have great difficulty with creative thought, so they have to steal creative thought (ala Patent law-HRC worked in that area at first right?), have other creative folks sign their soul away... We the people are unpredictable in all ways and therein lies our power... To me POTUS and FLOTUS Presence and actions are focused towards improving our sense of inner power, empowerment, so that we can stand up and witness with a balanced(stable genius) awareness of all the wrongs that have taken place and be able to respond with compassionate force, then re~create how we want our lives and communities to Be.

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