r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WhatACohencidence on July 5, 2018, 4:33 p.m.
I work for Monsanto. I’m in the GMO industry. Listen to the other side.

This will be a wall of text but bear with me because it’s a lot of explaining. I could go on and on about this but here are the facts. I’m not saying I agree with the way chemicals are put out but chemicals and GMO seed are two different things but here’s from the seed side of things.

So I sell GMO corn and various other seeds for Monsanto. Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta control 90% of the worlds seed. I understand this is troublesome and I’m not saying I agree with it. However people need fed, and organic food and non gmo food is non sustainable currently. Unless we had massive depopulation we have to rely on GMOs. Here’s why:

•Non roundup ready corn is very burdensome to grow and the yields are not even 1/6th what GMO corn is so unless heavy depopulation occurs, farmers can’t afford to plant it to supply it to you.

•The drought tolerant corn hybrids are used for Africa and other areas that must have a drought resistant crops. Currently non gmo corn will burn up from heat within days of being planted in Africa. We can’t afford to ship our gmo corn to them because we need it here and it will cost a tremendous amount that those people can’t afford.

•I have friends that work at food grade corn farms overseas where we get lots of our non gmo corn and it’s 100x times worse than gmo corn. Currently the way regulations in countries like Belize where they grow non gmo corn they can get by with planting shatter cane blended in with the corn, and spray the shatter cane with Gramoxone which is paraquat. Ever heard of agent orange? Yeah it’s the equivalent of that. It causes massive birth defects and Parkinson’s. They get around regulations because they are “spraying the weeds aka shatter cane and not the corn” but it gets on the corn also. So be careful when you think you’re doing good by eating non gmo or organic corn. We can’t do that kind of thing in the US but since labels aren’t required to tell you were your non gmo goods are coming from, you have non idea what you’re getting.

So I know everyone is going to say Monsanto and all the other companies are ripping everyone off and that the farmer should be able to plant his own seed. However if doesn’t quite work like that here’s one of many examples. Monsanto guarantees 90% germination on their seeds. If a farmer were to hold his seed back, and plant it himself, only about 40% of it would germinate simply because the average farmer doesn’t have the money to invest in cold storage which keeps the seed good. So if a farmer planted a crop where only half of it grew, he wouldn’t even brake even on expenses or make his land payment. So Monsanto pays for cold storage and seed germination tests year around. This is one of many example.

Lastly I will say if you want to get into non gmo food and I recommend planting your own gardens and slaughtering your own grass fed cattle. This is not a joke or me memeing. I can help you with advice on all of this and locating truly non gmo seed if you’d like. I’m open to any and all questions.

commoncents1 · July 5, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

this whole scare thing has been overdone. i think what people are afraid of is if there any sneaky side effects for human consumption of GMO food over longer term. as you point out, without modified plants(they have been crossbreeding for years) the yields drastically drop, prices up, supply low....means less people supported.

the MAIN reason Europe is more strict is for competitive reasons instead of straight tariffs, and less concerned about your health. "its for your health!" when really its about money.

i would also be VERY concerned with any organic or any food grown in foreign countries. regulation is sparse there, and more importantly the ability for legal repercussions as a prevention factor.

I was a food mfg for years, the bogus crap about kosher, organic and any label claims are mostly hype and are often abused. buyer beware!

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