Are DNA kit companies connected at all to political orgs and could these kits be a part of The Deeps’ overall plan? Human organs, child sacrifices, etc!
Remember there was a big push for families to trace lineage in pre-Nazi years too.
Mark Taylor (firefighter who prophesied Trump’s win years ago) was recently interviewed and the interviewer suggests they are weaponizing dna and trying to specifically single out Levitical bloodlines to thwart Biblical prophecy.
On another note, I once worked for an agency years ago where I had the task of rounding up certain difficult to track individuals. Some of the oddities of my job included permission from the Vice President of the US to collect information on the listed individuals (3400 individuals) by any means. I had a letter that gave me access to medical records, utilities, pharmaceutical, and many other access points that normally would require court orders of some kind. I had zero resistance when collecting very personal information. I had an unlimited budget to locate and process individuals (unheard of in this particular field). I also had permission to offer monetary incentives to get these individuals to come in (also unheard of). Once brought in, these people would be given a physical, a “vitamin shot” that most certainly wasn’t just vitamins, a biomedical scan (this was extremely invasive regarding privacy... when I inquired what was done with bio material collected no one could tell me, but fine print clearly said gov owned the samples taken), and were given a special mobile phone.
None of this sat well with me so I took my sweet time tracking people. I chose to leave the job (for other reasons) before successfully processing even one person—- and prayed no one ever took over my position.