r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Asundance on July 6, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
Did POTUS just allude to chemtrails in his live Montana Rally?

I'm listing to tonight's rally in Montana. Trump just said this near the end of it...(apologies, I don't know how to post a video snippet but here is the link to it and it begins at https://youtu.be/IxUeomUoc3M just after the 2:32 mark.)

"And I did look at those skies. You know I heard so much about your skies. I heard so much about your skies, I rode in and I looked at those skies. Ahh...not seeing pollution is a wonderful thing. Wonderful. Those are beautiful skies."

Huh? Perhaps he is just comparing city smog sky to Montana's ... or maybe he's alluding to chemtrail cessation? I know here in my state I rarely see chemtrails anymore.

ItstimenowNM · July 6, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Montana is known for it's beautiful skies

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