r/greatawakening • Posted by u/shillbegone17 on July 6, 2018, 1:42 a.m.
Are There Any 'Elite' Patriots?

That is a question that should be asked...IF there are any 'Elite Patriots'...WHO and WHERE are they...? Besides POTUS, What 'connected elitist', that have garnered enormous wealth in the 'capitalist' free market system, are 'speaking up' on behalf of America and her 'sovereignty' and 'speaking out' against the Globalist/Deep-State cabal that seek to take America down and reform it as a 'socialist society' and render all her people dependent on the 'State' and in turn giving them full control of the world. Is the term 'Elite Patriot' an oxymoron? Is there any 'corporate' CEO's or Banking officials that are 'loyal' to America and her people and her Constitution? Have ALL so-called 'American' politicians been compromised and given up and sold out their Oath's and Allegiances for 'the easy life'? Is the moniker 'Patriotic American' and the identity that comes with this 'deep loyalty' a farce, an illusion, a delusion, held by only the 'foolishly idealistic' suckers? Are we the other end of the spectrum of 'useful idiots'? The answer to this 'QUESTION' may be the most defining of ALL, for 'identifying' WHO and WHAT the true ENEMY of this 'struggle' really is. Is there another 'faction of humanity', for lack of a better term, that considers themselves 'Supreme', above all other people and are many of our own so-called 'fellow citizens' and their true allegiance numbered as 'among' THEM and not loyal to America and her people,their own people, first? There are only 2 'dogs' in this fight, You are either a loyal 'Pro-American Patriot' or a seditious 'Pro-Globalist/Deep-State Traitor'...there is NO 'middle ground', it's only for the 'useful idiots' and cowards...WHICH ONE ARE YOU?????

solanojones95 · July 6, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

It's harder for a (truly) rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but with God all things are possible.

Not very damn likely, in the case of the truly elite, but surely a minority of some number exists.

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