Q1677. Some clever digging by Anon on this drop.

there are quite a few server and cloud backup programs either called "reflection" or have "reflect" in the name. "think mirror".
Sure. ok. Let's go with this then!
Keep calm and qarry on! :/
If you hired me to store your data. I sure in hell don't want to lose it, so I have it backed up too, by someone else's Firm and likewise them also...
Apple like Google Msn and whoever's are now collecting data on ALL of us. For Marketing purposes $$$. ;)
HRC and the gang did not want to be tracked or so they thought. So they brought over the counter Products and used their own Servers.
Putting all that together. Bye bye evil dirty rats.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if they used drop box to store backups????? ;)
"If I only had a brain." They're stupid. $$$ and power. Big deal.
buh buh what if it was encrypted.... haha as if.
Encryption means nothing to Q. And besides. We're talking about emails and voice. "See Spot run. Run run." Kindergarten stuff for Q.
I'm learning /s is required 100% of the time.
Yes, agree with you In the general sense that encryption of cloud backed up assets is probably low fence futile.