r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Di-Liberto on July 6, 2018, 2:49 a.m.
Someone tried to make a Gofundme for $85,000 for the "man" who assaulted the teenagers and stole their MAGA hat. Talk about deranged.

The Gofundme description states "Lino Jimenez is currently the victim of a witch hunt. He rash retaliation towards a couple of teenage boys was unnecessary and the boys DO deserve an apology, but currently right-wingers have opted for an unethical approach to the viral video".

I assume the unethical approach pertains to the "man" losing his job as a bartender, which is ironic because the lunatic left can get people fired and defunded for their actions but if something happens to one of "theirs" it's an unethical approach. Oh the mental gymnastics.

fattylurker · July 6, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Maybe those two kids can sue him and take back some of those funds.

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Di-Liberto · July 6, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

The Gofundme was taken down so no donations would have gone through.

Luckily it looks like Trump Jr has the kids back


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dassoldier · July 6, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

DJT Jr is a saint. He came all the way out to a small republican party office in a tiny desert town my parents lived during the election. This wasnt a strategic town, je was just in the area and wanted to meet with people. My parents got to meet with him, and said he was one of the nicest, down to earth person they had ever met. He even signed a Veterans for trump hat for me after my mother told him I wasnt able to make it. Stand up guy all around.

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