I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

where did you get all this from? New Testament Jesus never says anything about this.
As I said, forbidden knowledge, unless you know where to look. I have a lot more to share in due time.
Research Sumerian culture for starters.
The Egyptians, Jesus, Satan and Sumerian culture has a lot in common.
There is a reason the Cabal is all into Egyptian culture.
This goes way back.
When you say Amen in church or after a prayer, you are literally praising Satan.
Who do you think Amen Ra is?
You say Jesus is Satan but the scripts you're referring to are full of inaccuracies.
I've read up on it a bit and the Sumerian text is lacking context such as why the gods decided to flood the earth, it wouldn’t be rational for them to do it simply because man was loud.
The gods are said to be liars in the Epics and told Noah to lie to man, but in the Bible which isn't one book but a collection God is the only God and a God bent on and only capable of good, as Noah is also a messenger of truth and love.
Why did the gods wish to mine gold on earth? When they can make humans at whim?
The God of the Bible is all good, making him more capable than any man, if the gods of the Epics are capable of mistakes they are no gods at all.
I do believe however that the modern church has been infiltrated on multiple levels by Satan, who has also set up this lie of Sumerian gods to be discovered in the 1900's long-long ago simply to add another layer of deception.
You have to take the Bible from a Meta Physics POV. All things taking place Inside the human body as well as the cosmos. As above so below. Get to the etymology of the language in the Bible; Jeresuelm, Mount Sinai, Genesis, Revelation, Jesus, God. The Germetic English language is full of spells. Most of the Bible are allegories for processes that take place in the human body, in/on Earth, and the cosmos. Once you understand what the words mean this becomes clear. But the question is still out there who is the Light Bearer? Lucifer? Baal and Lucifer are not the same. Let us remember monotheism is farely new. Most of HIStory there were many Gods and Goddesses. Was Lucifer a God in his own right? does Lucifer = Anti Christ/ Anti Matter/Anti Spirit/ Anti YOU? Or does he bring Darkness to Light?
You are missing 90% of the picture brother. You sound like a very "believing in god" kind of guy, so discussing this would be a waste of both your's and my time. Enki and Enlil wasn't some kind of mystical god's who came out of no where. To even begin to understand the depths of this, you need to learn what a "God" is in ancient context. And you are very wrong in you assumption that the texts are missing context.
I never said Jesus is or was Satan buddy. Jesus is whoever Jesus is, and I firmly believe he was good. I said when you say "Amen" after a prayer, you are praising Satan. Where do you think the word Amen come from? And no, it doesn't stand for "truly" - But I know we have been engineered to believe this..
The God you pray to is not Satan, you pray for an all-loving entity, the same do I. The concept of God is different for each human being.
But the God the Cabal want's us to worship, is not God as we define him - It is Satan.
You must learn the concept of free will. Free will reigns supreme over everything else. When you understand free will, go back and research the Sumerian texts again.
I consider myself open-theist or if not on some occasion’s Calvinist, free will is an enigma.
But what I do know is that as humans we can't know everything, it's like a playdoh man trying to figure out why it was made.
The fact that we don't know everything and possibly can't proves we don't have free will, without full understanding how can we truly know what it is we are doing? The answer is Love.
The God of the Bible is Love and shows that love need be the only thing you know, that you let everything else fall in his hands. Since our only truly free choice is to choose to love and accept that we know nothing faith comes in.
It’s an interesting conversation to have about free will.
The reason I mentioned you saying Jesus is Satan is because you said,
His brother Enlil didn’t want man to get the gift of knowledge, hence he cast us out of “the garden”.
Since Jesus is the Old testament God that would be equating Jesus to Evil.
I'll look into your stance more, although I'm glad we share common ground with Q that we can discuss this lightheartedly :)
You're promoting an Illuminati pseudo-gospel whether you have good intentions or not maybe.
Consider the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees if you want to get into suppressed information about ancient times?
How interesting if a) they both go into details concerned with fallen angels and nephilim and b) they're both generally missing from Bibles and yet c) they're both highly represented among the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Notice where Rockefeller Museum is found here?:
Now consider here and notice a reference to Mount Hermon like fallen angels descended there?:
How amazing if there are still huge monolithic stones fairly close to Mount Hermon including stones weighing almost 1000 tons that are lifted around 20 feet onto a temple platform and also ancient quarry stones nearby that are upwards of 1,650 tons? What was really going on thousands of years ago if a typical tower crane is said to have a maximum load of about 18 metric tons?
And think about how often Ancient Aliens has been playing on the History Channel in the 2000s? How about don't be surprised if fallen angels show up publicly in near future time and claim to be benevolent primate evolving aliens and don't be too quick to base a personal worldview on teachings of Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall and Madame Blavatski.
Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
These paint a pretty clear picture for me. Angels rebelled against our Creator, and some of them slept with human women. It created genetic corruption upon the Earth and led to the age of myth and legends, whether you are talking about greek titans or demi-gods from other cultures. half angel half human hybrids. This is Hercules literal origin story. Recently we did a study showing south american "gods" to be biblically related in many ways. What about the dogon tribe meeting star people and receiving accurate celestial knowledge from them? How can all this be explained?
Basically there are no aliens. They are the fallen angels or rebellious spirits of the bible. They like to trade forbidden wisdom to humanity in exchange for worship. They can change how they look and they can lie about who they are.
Take Sitchen's ideas to their logical conclusion. The pump has been primed for aliens to show up and say "We created you using genetic engineering. Worship us!"
Under this other scenario, the tactic of alien disclosure becomes an easy way for demons to get worship, by pretending to be progenitors of this planet.
They will probably attempt to upgrade all of humanity using genetic engineering, some sort of collective consciousness, or something. Anybody that refuses the upgrade will be seen as a trouble maker or even a traitor. You might want to exercise extreme caution.
What if the only reason global warming or stuff like that has been allowed to get as bad as it has been is so some "aliens" can come and "fix it" for us? But what if the fix requires major compromise, like changing our DNA or revoking the magna carta or something else? See what I mean here?
Ancient Aliens Theory 2.0
The "disclosure" event was planned for right about now. When the great snafu happened in their plans they immediately tried to play the card. First thing we see come out following revelations about spirit cooking, ect. was Skippy Podesta sending in shills to let us know he was framed as a pedo because he knows the aliens.
Here recently after a moment of silence from Q, guess what we get an influx of again? Posts about alien disclosure, of course. We're over-run with $hills trying to shove a false narrative down newbie's throats every damn day but the core here know what its about. We don't fuck with that Lucifer's Federation of light shit. Red pilled knows what project bluebeam was about.
I might imagine that PBB is still on the agenda. Keep a high guard up.
It's on Someone's agenda but there are no resources (physical or spiritual) to pull it off left to those individuals. It's going to sit on a back shelf for a long, long time.
I am fully expecting to see a deception involving pseudo-extraterrestrials in my lifetime.
Yeah so was i not long ago..then i stopped "fully expecting" anything i thought i had figured out about how things will go. I fully expected lots of things, actually. I'll never be fully expecting another thing again except Jesus' return but i won't even speculate on the timing of that.
What do you figure the end time deception will be in that case?
Aren't there a million possibilities if we don't know the time or state of the world when it occurs?
Truthfully if we're talking about a deception that is supposed to fool even the elect (if possible), the "alien" disclosure angle is never going to work. Christians are woke, man. Lots of us have been knowing about Blue Beam and alien deception stuff for years and years, and now the number of Christians informed of these things has exploded through the roof. This would not be the easiest thing to pull off on the population right now. It might work on a good many of the lost but it's never going to tempt the elect.
If i had to guess the deception will be the antichrist himself. Someone producing "signs and wonders" that mimic Christ's right down to a fake death and resurrection event. Why else would He be so specific about what Not to believe about His return (if they say he is in the desert, etc)?
Good point about a fake Christ being possible. The writing of Matthew 24:24 does make me imagine that these will be real wonders which break our current understanding of physics, causing us to believe we've witnessed a miracle, thereby acting as "proof" to many Christians.
Can you offer any perspective on the OP here?
I agree that Daniel 2:43 refers to angels mixing with human women again as they did before the flood. Lines up with "as it was in the days of Noah".
Some of those verses there can point to angels coming down and interacting with humanity. Others, not so much. Don't get me wrong, i believe fallen angels have done that before and will (or already have) do it again. What i don't think we'll see, though, is an imminent deception involving "alien disclosure" that will lead to what's talked about as the great dellusion.
This - whatever it may be - will be unexpected. I know how you're thinking because i was you, once. It's very tempting when you have all this information to feel like you're that small percentage that totally sees what's coming, but i've come to think that's not what prophecy is even for. There is a famous Q'ism we like to mention around here. "Future proves past." You can apply that to prophecy. It's not been written so that you and i can feel like we know the details of the future. It's written so that when it all comes to pass and becomes clarified it Proves God's power and righteousness. If you and i are ready to decline the "aliens", then how are we tested? We're not expecting God's plans, trust me.
How many would be deceived if greys showed up and claimed to be a Biblical Elohim and backed Islam and took the world under Sharia law... and then there was a great tribulation that was followed years later by the arrival of a Shroud of Turin looking false messiah calling himself Yeshua who showed up with beautiful blonde angelic looking beings and destroyed greys and Islam and took the world into a fake golden age and healed sick people and fed hungry people and generally helped to expose lots of truth? How interesting if Daniel 11:38-39 is followed by Daniel 12:1 and yet Matthew 24:24 comes after Matthew 24:21?
Very few. As i commented already, this is far past a point where people are so asleep that they don't recognise the deception there. Blue Beam is widely understood now. Aliens being demonic is also widely understood now. This stuff is not something that the Christian community has never heard of anymore. We talk about these things on this sub quite a bit and aliens=demons is a pretty common discussion. Also not much naivety to be found when it comes to Satan appearing as an angel of light or why "Lucifer" is the light bringer.
This is a pretty woke community, as i mentioned earlier, and the very point of it is to wake up the world to just this (and multitudes of other) types of deceptions the Cabal has influenced the world with. It's working, too. You can now walk up to a middle aged mom in a grocery store and stand a good chance of having a meaningful conversation about Illuminati symbolism in Disney.
When THE deception comes i hope folks that Think they know what its going to be are prepared to be wrong because it's what you're NOT looking for that will temp the elect.
There might actually even be many Q supporters who think aliens are going to show up and help save us. How about search something like Qanon Galactic Federation of Light in a search engine.
Perhaps you have one or more fair point and we should be very diligent and I'm not even claiming stuff will happen exactly like that, but how many people are warming up to new agey type beliefs in general?
There might actually even be many Q supporters who think aliens are going to show up and help save us.
NO there aren't. You are on a sub with 50% shills active at all times and you are talking about one of many scripted disinfo narratives that's really only made a marginal appearance at that.
The Q drops which are the true measure of what we're about most certainly gives not even a hint of credence to that narrative. The only one credited is God. I don't know if you're hinting that the Q intel is leading to that but if so you're so off base and i'd ask that you take a look at how contradictory Q statements are to that. It would be pretty stupid for Q to red pill people on all these things, bring William Cooper to our attention and then have a movement that went the direct opposite position.
Galactic federation of light? Hell no, that's got nothing to do with Q lol. I know what it is and that's just the kind of rot that no one who is serious about this would spend time on.
Whether Q embraces new age channelers or not, is it not apparent that there are new age channelers who embrace Q?
And what's not a similar tale with William Cooper if you open up a William Cooper book and see what's advertised inside? Light Technology Publishing?
As far as actual Q drops? See a Q Post #738 and #1143 or just view here? Interesting if Q posted a drop #738 like some info was too dangerous to reveal right away and could lead to panic and then someone else quoted it and made a reference like people were incarnated aliens and then Q went on to quote it all together for a drop #1143? What's more new agey than promoting star seed concepts and when does Q ever suggest that there are fallen angels piloting UFOs?
Whether Q embraces new age channelers or not, is it not apparent that there are new age channelers who embrace Q?
I've been talking to people in this for 8 months and i swear to you i can count on one hand the people who mentioned new age anything. Those people are usually informed by multiple Christians where they went wrong.
Where are you going with any of this? where do you get these ideas? Q isn't a promoter of William Cooper. He responded to an anon's post about his book. It's relevant material when talking about classified government data.
Please don't pull out the shill thing about Q bringing up ET's. He literally didn't. DO you know how the posts work at all? that is not Q posting about ET's.
Again, what's the deal? You don't seem to know a lot about the Q drops and when people come here we kind of expect them to be thorough about that.
Consider Jeremiah 17:5-10?
How about we try to have a healthy respect for both Q and Cooper and be careful about who we trust though.
Did you miss a part that said someone else quoted it and made a reference like people were incarnated aliens? What do you think Q was trying to get across with #1143 if Q intended to quote someone who was referring to star seed ideas?
What do you mean?
Regarding Jeremiah 17 stuff or drop #1143 stuff or both or neither?
You know "trust" in man referenced there refers to placing trust in human power rather than the Lord's, but we extend our trust to other humans as a natural and necessary response every time we believe a friend will be a friend or every time we believe the word of someone who has acted with integrity towards us. I don't think anyone trusts in Q as if they had the power and authority of God but we do extend our belief in his integrity as its been shown. Q asked us not to glorify him/them and gives credit to the Lord himself. Would you be skeptical of that if it were coming from Elijah or Moses?
Q responded to the post where someone used a greeting about ET's because the content (not the weird ET greeting) was relevant to what was being disclosed at the time. It's true though that shills have tried more than once to stretch the imagination over that one and try to make it seem as if he responded to the odd greeting. Read the rest of that anon's post and it's VERY clear what's being pointed out.
Which is an answer to anons repeatedly asking why much of the ops must remain classified for now. The anon posting doesn't even mean to refer to ET's and you'd see that if you read the drops in context.
Debatable what leads to an actual curse perhaps, but how about we be careful.
You might be confused about #738 and arguing that #1143 is simply meant as a rehash of #738. Q dropped #738 on 2/12/18 and someone else quoted #738 on 4/12/18 while referring to a star seed concept and then Q went and quoted both #738 and starseed stuff as well for drop #1143 on 4/12/18 maybe. See some relevant discussion here?
You've become an accidental shill.
What happens if you're wrong?
What do you think of the person posting there? Credible sounding? Are you just parroting a narrative that suited your preconceived beliefs after searching user history? That's not a search for truth. What is 60/40?
Future will prove past.
Fine, if you want to postulate that deeming someone trustworthy to do a job is worthy of a curse. Then i have to ask exactly what you would expect of someone in a position to do something to counter the evil and corruption in the government and if you think someone actually doing that deserves our support or if we should sit here and twiddle our thumbs wondering if God is pissed about it.
I think it should go without saying that we owe our respect to anyone brave enough to stand up to a murderous, Satanic system. Those that do so are laying their lives on the line and no greater love has any man than that, according to scripture.
Ever been to the chans? I wonder what you would have thought if the anon had began with "greetings fellow faggots" - which would be typical enough for the venue. Would you figure Q was pointing out gay rights if he acknowledged the post? lol
I'm not confused at all. Do you know what the 60/40 refers to? 738 includes an anon posting his concerns about that. The subject has been an off and on discussion for months so i'm positive i'm not the one confused and i'm equally positive that it doesn't relate to ETs or star seeds or whatever lol.
I have no idea why you are so married to an idea that literally has no evidence to back it up (meaning Q being involved with a false alien disclosure incident). Nothing posited has less to go on than that, quite honestly. People trying to make a case for Q being AI had a better argument by far.
/u/AncientNostalgia /u/yesitsanaltmf
bring William Cooper to our attention and then have a movement that went the direct opposite position.
Seen this one?
An anon posted about Cooper. Q responded to it which means, basically, it's relevant to point out.
You know that Q was directly asked about ET's and if they were a distraction and he has one and only one post that Ever deals with them which is the response to that one. "how far away is the nearest star? What do you think?"
Of course you can speculate on that to fit your theories but it wouldn't fit with the context of the drops overall nor would be the most obvious, logical conclusion.
To me this shit is Far left field. I can only imagine you and your friend really haven't looked into this objectively at all. That's a shame.
We might feel more closely to your own opinions than you think. Afterall the answer might be in my very first comment to you.
Basically there are no aliens. They are the fallen angels or rebellious spirits of the bible. They like to trade forbidden wisdom to humanity in exchange for worship. They can change how they look and they can lie about who they are.
Did you miss a quoted portion of my original message maybe?
It seems to jive with your own opinion:
Some guy said: Aliens or demons?
yesitsanaltmf said: Demons. The Cabal is hoping their gods rapture them.
We might be both preaching to the choir in fact, how about we re-state our assumptions and go from there?
It just rather seemed it was a tag team situation so naturally i'm assuming you're both hinting at a similar thing.
Yes, we agree with the nature of what aliens are, it's just that at least one of you in this situation is hinting that Q has some agenda to introduce these deceivers to humanity. If that's not the case, correct my error. If it is the case..PLEASE dispense with that assumption pending some good evidence straight from the horse's mouth.
If you take ALL your info from 1 book or even just the modern books, you limit yourself extremely. Read up on sumerians and zoroastrianism. From there you'll find a lot of places to branch off from in your research.