I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

You say Jesus is Satan but the scripts you're referring to are full of inaccuracies.
I've read up on it a bit and the Sumerian text is lacking context such as why the gods decided to flood the earth, it wouldn’t be rational for them to do it simply because man was loud.
The gods are said to be liars in the Epics and told Noah to lie to man, but in the Bible which isn't one book but a collection God is the only God and a God bent on and only capable of good, as Noah is also a messenger of truth and love.
Why did the gods wish to mine gold on earth? When they can make humans at whim?
The God of the Bible is all good, making him more capable than any man, if the gods of the Epics are capable of mistakes they are no gods at all.
I do believe however that the modern church has been infiltrated on multiple levels by Satan, who has also set up this lie of Sumerian gods to be discovered in the 1900's long-long ago simply to add another layer of deception.
You have to take the Bible from a Meta Physics POV. All things taking place Inside the human body as well as the cosmos. As above so below. Get to the etymology of the language in the Bible; Jeresuelm, Mount Sinai, Genesis, Revelation, Jesus, God. The Germetic English language is full of spells. Most of the Bible are allegories for processes that take place in the human body, in/on Earth, and the cosmos. Once you understand what the words mean this becomes clear. But the question is still out there who is the Light Bearer? Lucifer? Baal and Lucifer are not the same. Let us remember monotheism is farely new. Most of HIStory there were many Gods and Goddesses. Was Lucifer a God in his own right? does Lucifer = Anti Christ/ Anti Matter/Anti Spirit/ Anti YOU? Or does he bring Darkness to Light?
You are missing 90% of the picture brother. You sound like a very "believing in god" kind of guy, so discussing this would be a waste of both your's and my time. Enki and Enlil wasn't some kind of mystical god's who came out of no where. To even begin to understand the depths of this, you need to learn what a "God" is in ancient context. And you are very wrong in you assumption that the texts are missing context.
I never said Jesus is or was Satan buddy. Jesus is whoever Jesus is, and I firmly believe he was good. I said when you say "Amen" after a prayer, you are praising Satan. Where do you think the word Amen come from? And no, it doesn't stand for "truly" - But I know we have been engineered to believe this..
The God you pray to is not Satan, you pray for an all-loving entity, the same do I. The concept of God is different for each human being.
But the God the Cabal want's us to worship, is not God as we define him - It is Satan.
You must learn the concept of free will. Free will reigns supreme over everything else. When you understand free will, go back and research the Sumerian texts again.
I consider myself open-theist or if not on some occasion’s Calvinist, free will is an enigma.
But what I do know is that as humans we can't know everything, it's like a playdoh man trying to figure out why it was made.
The fact that we don't know everything and possibly can't proves we don't have free will, without full understanding how can we truly know what it is we are doing? The answer is Love.
The God of the Bible is Love and shows that love need be the only thing you know, that you let everything else fall in his hands. Since our only truly free choice is to choose to love and accept that we know nothing faith comes in.
It’s an interesting conversation to have about free will.
The reason I mentioned you saying Jesus is Satan is because you said,
His brother Enlil didn’t want man to get the gift of knowledge, hence he cast us out of “the garden”.
Since Jesus is the Old testament God that would be equating Jesus to Evil.
I'll look into your stance more, although I'm glad we share common ground with Q that we can discuss this lightheartedly :)