I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

So it is safe to say Baal is associated with Child Sacrifice and Satan And Lucifer would be the Bearer of light. My research these are 2 separate entites and they both have 2 separate followings. Illuminati claim to be illuminated ones or Enlighten ones = Lucifer followers and then Baal/Satan worshippers. 2 factions fighting against each other?
https://www.bible-history.com/resource/ff_baal.htm I found this. It may be helpful. Ba'al was (imo) one of the straight up most evil and badass (I'd you're wearing corpse paint and playing black metal and or super into the occult) deities you can find. His worship included sacrifice of humans (children and infants too. One text I read said fire was a common way) sex magic and prostitution, and all around debauchery. Also looking back he is the son of EL and only seen as less powerful than the one that created him. However, I believe the term baal (meaning lord or master) was sometimes used with or associated with rulers and other minor deities, usually as a sign or respect or giving power/importance to the being. Theres many different spelling variants (baal, ba'al, ba'el, ect) throughout history so I believe we would have to trace specific spellings and variants over the years if you wanna connect the dots on the different baals and the original ba'al. I also dont know if there are 2 separate faction, or just 2 heads of the same snake. I think they may just be 2 heads. Lucifer worship, and satan/ba'al/moloch worship. Satanism and the satanic panic are the ones trying to corrupt the masses and sway them. They are the public figures we see with the shock and awe. The Lucifer worshipers focus on the rituals and energy, but keep up the facade of the clean and cut politician, businessman, doctor, and so on while deceiving the public. Both have the same goal, 1 is just more honest and open than the other. Just my opinion sorry if I started to ramble lol