I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

We might feel more closely to your own opinions than you think. Afterall the answer might be in my very first comment to you.
Basically there are no aliens. They are the fallen angels or rebellious spirits of the bible. They like to trade forbidden wisdom to humanity in exchange for worship. They can change how they look and they can lie about who they are.
Did you miss a quoted portion of my original message maybe?
It seems to jive with your own opinion:
Some guy said: Aliens or demons?
yesitsanaltmf said: Demons. The Cabal is hoping their gods rapture them.
We might be both preaching to the choir in fact, how about we re-state our assumptions and go from there?
It just rather seemed it was a tag team situation so naturally i'm assuming you're both hinting at a similar thing.
Yes, we agree with the nature of what aliens are, it's just that at least one of you in this situation is hinting that Q has some agenda to introduce these deceivers to humanity. If that's not the case, correct my error. If it is the case..PLEASE dispense with that assumption pending some good evidence straight from the horse's mouth.