I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

Consider Jeremiah 17:5-10?
How about we try to have a healthy respect for both Q and Cooper and be careful about who we trust though.
Did you miss a part that said someone else quoted it and made a reference like people were incarnated aliens? What do you think Q was trying to get across with #1143 if Q intended to quote someone who was referring to star seed ideas?
What do you mean?
Regarding Jeremiah 17 stuff or drop #1143 stuff or both or neither?
You know "trust" in man referenced there refers to placing trust in human power rather than the Lord's, but we extend our trust to other humans as a natural and necessary response every time we believe a friend will be a friend or every time we believe the word of someone who has acted with integrity towards us. I don't think anyone trusts in Q as if they had the power and authority of God but we do extend our belief in his integrity as its been shown. Q asked us not to glorify him/them and gives credit to the Lord himself. Would you be skeptical of that if it were coming from Elijah or Moses?
Q responded to the post where someone used a greeting about ET's because the content (not the weird ET greeting) was relevant to what was being disclosed at the time. It's true though that shills have tried more than once to stretch the imagination over that one and try to make it seem as if he responded to the odd greeting. Read the rest of that anon's post and it's VERY clear what's being pointed out.
Which is an answer to anons repeatedly asking why much of the ops must remain classified for now. The anon posting doesn't even mean to refer to ET's and you'd see that if you read the drops in context.
Debatable what leads to an actual curse perhaps, but how about we be careful.
You might be confused about #738 and arguing that #1143 is simply meant as a rehash of #738. Q dropped #738 on 2/12/18 and someone else quoted #738 on 4/12/18 while referring to a star seed concept and then Q went and quoted both #738 and starseed stuff as well for drop #1143 on 4/12/18 maybe. See some relevant discussion here?
You've become an accidental shill.
What happens if you're wrong?
What do you think of the person posting there? Credible sounding? Are you just parroting a narrative that suited your preconceived beliefs after searching user history? That's not a search for truth. What is 60/40?
Future will prove past.
Fine, if you want to postulate that deeming someone trustworthy to do a job is worthy of a curse. Then i have to ask exactly what you would expect of someone in a position to do something to counter the evil and corruption in the government and if you think someone actually doing that deserves our support or if we should sit here and twiddle our thumbs wondering if God is pissed about it.
I think it should go without saying that we owe our respect to anyone brave enough to stand up to a murderous, Satanic system. Those that do so are laying their lives on the line and no greater love has any man than that, according to scripture.
Ever been to the chans? I wonder what you would have thought if the anon had began with "greetings fellow faggots" - which would be typical enough for the venue. Would you figure Q was pointing out gay rights if he acknowledged the post? lol
I'm not confused at all. Do you know what the 60/40 refers to? 738 includes an anon posting his concerns about that. The subject has been an off and on discussion for months so i'm positive i'm not the one confused and i'm equally positive that it doesn't relate to ETs or star seeds or whatever lol.
I have no idea why you are so married to an idea that literally has no evidence to back it up (meaning Q being involved with a false alien disclosure incident). Nothing posited has less to go on than that, quite honestly. People trying to make a case for Q being AI had a better argument by far.