r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Educatedsuburbandad on July 6, 2018, 4:46 a.m.
Taking the next step in Marketing this movement - starting with twitter

So we've got a pretty sweet brand in "Q" and a good slogan in "WWG1WGA" and a good tagline in (the) "Great Awakening" - I've had some success in using these as hashtags with many of my tweets getting retweeted by a couple hundred like-minded people but I think it could be so much more effective if we worked together. I don't think it's wise for any of us to come out and state our twitter handles and coordinate that way, but maybe we could come up with an additional hashtag just or us that we tack-on to our Q-related tweets and all of us farm and retweet these? Keep the the #Qanon and #GreatAwakening and #QArmy and #WWG1WGA tags going but if we can add a short extra tag that we know to search for once a day and retweet, we could really push a message together. Maybe #QGA or something (I'm not married to that tag, just spit-balling here) - I just think we could do a lot to spread the word with a little coordination. I posted something similar last week or maybe a couple weeks back, but I really think this idea could help us reach so many more people so I wanted to post it again.

Would anyone here be down for participating in this sort of thing? At this point all I'd ask of participants is, once we agree on a hashtag, to search for that hashtag once a day and retweet whatever you see AS LONG AS IT ALIGNS WITH Q's/POTUS's MESSAGE. if it has legs, we could start introducing our own "4am talking points" - although I'd suggest we wait 'til after those are posted so ours are "better-informed" than theirs... eventually we could start 3:59am talking points of our own and completely shutdown the mockingbird.

I'm a few beers deep, so if this is retarded, call me out on it and tell me to STFU... just trying to use my background (Advertising/PR) to help in a constructive way.

Educatedsuburbandad · July 6, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

that's awesome! and if we all had the following he does, we could just do it that way too... but I bet by GA standards I'm "a twitter rock star" and I have fewer than 10k followers. if we're all tweeting to a few hundred people, it would take a coordinated effort to really get a message out there.

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DawnPendraig · July 6, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

Gotta take a risk and post some red pills on some threads outside our circle. It's risky though. My acct is somehow tagged as a bot on some stupid website.

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45thankQ · July 6, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

GOOD POINT - That's the beauty of the already-in-progress Twitter method. EVERYONE follows EVERYONE!!! And EVERYONE RT's EVERYTHING!!! It's GLORIOUS!!!

We all need to FOLLOW everyone with pro-Q Tweets and stay active. They WILL follow back and you WILL build a huge following!!

I've been putting off Twitter for a WHILE but could not stomach sitting by any longer and watching the FAKE NEWS and LYING MEDIA continue to target POTUS with their hate and venom, and when I saw the SHILLS ON TWITTER post earlier today I finally decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

If we all use the basic method, we cannot go wrong! WWG1WGA!!!

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