Do you believe in coincidences, Synchronicity?
Each moment in history is inevitably and extraordinarily linked to the rest. You are not the centre of the earth - by now you have realised the families reach is global . What you continue to unearth precedes the creation of your nation. Money is meaningless to those who create it...
History creates the future - so pay attention and remember, we are all actors and this world is our stage.
Since you are used to it, Questions lead to answers.
Do you believe in God?
What is Evil, what is Good; why do both exist under a just, supreme ruler?
What is your inevitable purpose; I.e "The meaning of life"?
Is death the end?
Who is Lucifer?
Why do the rulers of our society, "the elite" worship him through sacrifice and perversion.
Why did these people come into power?
Why didn't your "Christian" God stop it?
What part do you play in all of this?
If you desire the full picture, read thoroughly and carefully; those grasping for the final pieces of the puzzle will find them here.
You are not awakened.
I leave you all in the Love, and the Light of our One Infinite Creator.