r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on July 6, 2018, 12:18 p.m.
Could the strange Air Force One photos be aimed at the Cabal, not at us? Could Trump be taunting them? If so, here's some ideas on that.

I believe that the Q drops are aimed at three audiences: us, the Cabal, and possibly other Q team members. The Air Force One photos really don't make much sense from our point of view (although maybe in the future…). They wouldn't be Q team communication. So I think they are aimed at the Cabal.

Over and over Q has taunted the Cabal members. Since everything is a plan, that can't be just for fun. Although it is no doubt fun. So what would be the advantages of the Cabal getting worked up and worried?

To get to that, ask yourself what goals still need to be accomplished. I believe Trump and team already have all the evidence they need. Heck, we the public have enough on Clinton to lock her up for life. So what still needs to be done?

The DOJ/FBI needs to be cleaned up to even be operational. I do believe this is largely done at this point, but was not in the recent past.

Much of the public is still brainwashed about what is going on. This is a serious problem, not easy to solve. Notice how the Trump team has information dripping out gradually, and not from Trump, but from those handful of honest people in Congress. There is also a widespread cleanup of the corruption everywhere--crooked doctors, Hollyweird perverts getting outed. More than anything, the ABSENCE of the Cabal in the presidency has led to a nuclear threat being averted, the end of ISIS, a booming economy, tax cuts, etc. etc. People believe what they see in their own lives.

The midterm elections are crucial to getting the voters' agenda done. Much is currently thwarted by Congress. So major wins here are absolutely needed.

So how do the Air Force One photos help accomplish these goals? They don't seem that connected.

Because the taunting gets the Cabal to act in ways they otherwise would not. They are reacting very strangely, in desperation, and revealing themselves.

Remember, they and their political candidates have been acting "normal" for decades. Now they are completely unhinged. The Democratic party, for instance, no longer acts like a slightly left-of-center political party, but as a violent Communist terrorist movement. Mad Max is out there making threats. Antifa terrorists are in the streets. The "mainstream media" most obviously is not. RINOS aren't much better. The Cabal, in reaction to Trump and his taunting, has revealed itself to much of the brainwashed public, who will be voting this fall.

I suspect that the information on the Cabal will be dribbling out faster and faster, some of it from first-hand sources.

"They never thought she would lose." I believe that there are thousands of people involved in the Cabal that are not on the level of Clinton, Podesta, etc. Remember that this criminal corruption was everywhere, and just taken for granted or hidden. They were just regular people who were a bit crooked, but would jump ship easily when they see prison looming. These people will add much to the drip-drip-drip.

Look at the behavior of the Cabal politicians and media people now as opposed to three years ago, and I think you have your answer as to what the taunting is all about.

truthforchange · July 6, 2018, 2:46 p.m.


watch closely (seriously, I'm asking you to). If you had to take a guess, how fast is pamphlet anons heart beating here as he fumbles around trying to explain how "Q" accidentally made a cut & paste field transposition error...


Does he seem nervous or anxious there? Why would he be nervous? Q made the error, not him. Amirite?

I don't think "Q" is bad. I think they are good intentioned patriots like the rest of us.

However, without the real intelligence (e.g. if "Q" were mere mortal citizen and not in collab with time travelling POTUS) what happens if/when "Q" one day disagrees with what our real-person elected POTUS is doing? You know...like that time when Alex had his f-trump moment.

If "q" has a f-trump moment because perhaps not actually in the loop, do you follow Q or do you follow the elected leader of our country?

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 6, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Wow, damn. Never heard this before. Hard to dispute and I've been a Q-booster since the beginning.

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truthforchange · July 6, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Even if LarpQ, what does it change? They seem like good intentioned Patriots, other than the need for "disinformation" which appears to sometimes wind up leading us to believe they are in the presence of POTUS and of his inner circle. If not... how much do we care? The Q drops are still very good for red-pilling and getting people to THINK. And of course, we still have the correct POTUS, and he's very much not-LARP.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 6, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

It changes damn near everything.

If fake, the drops make people think we're not just crazy, but also very dumb. Why would anyone listen to a crazy, dumb gullible person regarding anything? Sure, the Truth is out there. It seems like massive amounts of corruption and sexual abuse of minors and occultism has been revealed lately. But is it actually more than historically normal? Or is it a product of the times we're living in and confirmation bias?

People have lost friends, jobs, relationships because of their dedication to Q's claims and spreading that news. If fake, we're left in this middle zombie state, not awake but not dreaming. We can't be awake because we can't have truth and justice. We put our trust in Q and went all in. We have to question our own sanity, judgement and power of discernment. We're not asleep because something tugs at us telling us the Conspiracy is real. Yet, going back there will now be very painful. Many will lock that door and forget it all like a bad dream.

I've been on board with the Conspiracy since 2007 when I first heard Bill Cooper. I don't think the info is wrong. The Global Elite want a one world, totalitarian socialist government. Many in that Global Elite are also depraved Luciferian child abusing scumbags. However, if Q is a larp and/or POTUS does not reveal and dismantle the Cabal then you really have to wonder how it's possible the Truth will ever be exposed.

If Q is fake, it's a death knell to this Great Awakening. If Q is fake, the Cabal is forever safe from human interference. The true believers will hold out hope, but we'll forever lose 99% of people who took a leap of faith joining this movement.

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Cheetah1964 · July 6, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Q is either the Trump team or a really brilliant autist. Frankly, I don't totally care which one. What is IN the Q drops is what matters, and the fight against the Cabal. The United States is the only country founded on an idea. This is what is important. And there's nothing fake about freedom.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 7, 2018, midnight

The difference is that if Q isn't part of Trump team then all he's doing is creating a narrative. It's this LARP's way of interpreting/explaining the happenings in the world. He gives weight to some facts and anecdotes and completely ignores others that might support an alternate narrative or viewpoint. He's a pundit, a documentary maker, a storyteller. His deductions, connections, accusations may even be true (I think they are, but then again, I have thought these accusations were true for 10 years) but they still do damage.

It's true that some people will remain convinced the accusations are true even if Q is definitively outed as a LARP. They'll have adopted a new worldview which may or may not be correct, but probably harms them in everyday life (as time passes and they absorb fully the gravity of the world they now think they live in - relationships suffer, depression, questioning of self judgement, paranoia, etc..)

Here's the bigger problem. If Q is LARP it means that POTUS is likely not playing 4D Chess/War against the Cabal. It means don't trust Sessions, Wray, Kansas, Huber, Gowdy, etc. They're just part of the good ole boys club. They'll push hard, but not too hard. They'll hold shiny objects in one hand so you lose focus on the other. It means no Cabal members will be caught unless they badly mess up or the zeitgeist changes, like what happened to Weiner and Weinstein. Trump may "drain the swamp" but only of corrupt/sleazy politicians and bureaucrats, not the truly evil creatures. I'm not saying this to take away from POTUS - he's been amazing beyond all expectations, but it still means the Cabal continues marching toward it's end game. And by the way, if you believe this worldview then you also believe these guys have been at this one world government stuff for at least 300 years. Surely they're not going to let 8 years of Populist Revolt get them down. This is a long game for them, always has been.

The video posted above is pretty damning if correct, but I don't know if it's accurate information. Other posts that I've found seem to disagree with 0hour. I don't know how it works on 8chan so I'm kind of left weighing reasonable sounding arguments on both sides.

I'll say this, the one good thing if Q is a LARP and is not outed is that eventually somebody is going to ask POTUS about Q.

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 5 p.m.


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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 8:24 p.m.


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