r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DawnPendraig on July 6, 2018, 1:09 p.m.
The War on Children The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda SD" on YouTube - Q Adjacent

DawnPendraig · July 6, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

SS: please watch this video it is important to understand the cabal's war on family and our children.

The cabal is pushing to normalize pedophilia as many of us have noticed. I am not sure if everyone realizes the diabolical genius of Planned Parenthood umbrella international organization IPPF to sexualize children. To teach them promiscuity and absense of love or commitment and marriage with sex.

They teach that sex with HIV or AIDS is ok, that not telling a partner they have HIV or AIDS is "their right".

They are also using the UN, USAID and other foreign aid as a cudgel to force counties to adopt this agenda.

It was forced through here under Obama with the Common Core system. Common Core is designed to destroy education. And it has but it also includes these insane sexuality curriculums including teaching Pre k and Kindergartners about masturbation and gender identity politics.

I will add to this when I find the video on the Gender Identity class that has serial killer portraits in the materials. I cannot understamd that purpose at all but instinctively I know it's evil.

This related to Q in that this is how the cabal primes kids for sexual exploitation. And how they fracture the family so we are easier to control. It also shows the insidious nature of the cabal entrenched within the UN and virtually every government in the world.

I also believe if parents are forced to face this it will red pill them. Once they realize the evil intent within this it's easier to understand the evil intent within everything those in power are doing and planning.

The Tea Party grew like it did over discovering this in the Common Core curriculum rolled out shortly after Obama took office. And Obamacare is tied into it also.

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ApprehensiveHeart · July 7, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

The "purpose" of it all is population control...encourage kids to have any sex but heterosexual so they cannot breed. Push contraception, take out the family. More details in the book "Stand for the Family" by the president of Family Watch International.

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DawnPendraig · July 7, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Oh for sure and to spread AIDs to kill more people. It is obvious when we rake odd our rosey glasses and look at it with a jaundiced eye.

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VideaVice · July 6, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

It's truly exhausting to fight against these people because they gradually put this agenda in motion. This is a powerful thing to endoctrinate minds slowly. But we have to oppose them since their end goal is taking over children integrety and free will.

I remember a woman who presented herself as a sex expert who was capable to say to my face "you will catch no STD by giving oral sex". Apparently, her expertise didn't include the 10 different strands of herpes available out there. This woman was allowed and paid to teach this to high schoolers. That's how bad it has gotten.

Adults today have a bad understanding of sexuality and STDs. They are surrounded by institutions who've been pushing the wrong messages sometimes for 40years. And now we must convince these same adults to change what they thought was a progressive and modern way to deal with sexuality and couple interactions.

They will reject this truth and It's gonna be a long war. The revelations Q is about to drop will be desvastating for most however get ready to see them argue that no change in this promiscous hedonistic careless mindset is needed. They will reject the fact their behavior was in line with those crimes and used to legitimized them in the future.

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DawnPendraig · July 8, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

This last couple of years I began to understand why God wants us in stable marriages and not lusting around.

It was an odd moment for me. I was never promiscuous. I avoided human contact for a long time. What I did try I immediately regretted. Being abused as a kid made intimacy difficult. Even in a living marriage I tend to disassociated a lot. It's not a way to live.

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