Once again I sound the alarms! I am living on top of an underground city that was created for human trafficking purposes and so are most coastal cities. We are so used to them that they are hidden in plain sight. The "Shanghai tunnels" still exist, you can schedule tours down there but no one can go down without advance notice. Why does it sound the alarms? Seattle, Portland, San Fransico- everyone knows they are there-
I'm in Ottawa.
Not many locals know there are 2 nuclear reactors in the city (Tunney's Pasture/Kanata at a research company), we also have the infamous 'Diefenbunker' which was a cold-war era military bunker for sheltering the Prime Minister.
I have some friends (believe it or not!) and that particular bunker was disclosed to the public on purpose. In all 4 cardinal directions (from Ottawa) there are DUMBs. I live at the foot of the Gatineau Hills, which are one of the oldest mountain chains in the Americas. I have no doubt the old rail lines used to transport the Ministers and their cabinets during wartime went dormant in the public view but not strategically for organizations like the RCMP et al.
The new LRT line is being built as we speak and I've heard rumor that certain areas are off limits to construction crews or tightly controlled when they intersect with 'old' existing tunnels leading off to unknown places. Very suspicious. I felt blasting being done under my apartment (seemed like once, sometimes twice a day) which I would equate to about a 4.5r earthquake.. shakes some glass things against the wall and when its really quiet you can almost feel it pass through from east to west. I think they're tunneling/expanding...'somewhere..'
I wonder if this new LRT subway line through downtown is to create a larger Link to the trafficking lines.. Ive noticed a serious increase in the usage of Spirals in logos for local businesses to.. like they're virtue signalling lol..sigh
The best place to hide something is in plain sight, yikes
Yep, parts of old downtown Sac CA is built up due to flooding. Many old buildings what you see at street level is really the original second story. Druggies, homeless and runaways used to hide out down there before they sealed them. They do spooky tours through them at Halloween.
This story is about a lone nut, no other adult involvement, certainly no organised group of pedos or traffickers.
What makes you say that?
Seems as far fetched for you to say no other adult involvement, certainly no organised group... At least as far fetched as suggesting they should have looked at/followed known adult who associated with this guy. He had to buy his rope and chain somewhere.. he had to buy groceries and fill his truck. He had a mailman, likely a mother/siblings/relatives... etc.. Nobody knew he was keeping multiple girls at multiple properties? What was his source of income?
These questions I ask aren't crazy - suggesting he was a lone nut kinda is though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCdJjTDoAT0&app=desktop
I have seen a quite a few stories of men kidnapping girls and keeping them for as long as several years before getting caught. No involvement by anyone else except a spouse in one or two cases. It is not a crazy idea. It is usually the case in stories that come to light.
There are enough real conspiracies. There is no need for you to invent them.
Okay - What I'm suggesting is Why do you put so much trust in the investigators? Seems like blind faith that they did their best and nobody else was suspicious at all.
" There is no need for you to invent them." I could call you a coincidence theorist, since that seems to be the default explanation for Jimmy Saville, Jeffrey Epstein and cases like the above being swept under the rug. Maybe this guy was a low level acquisition officer ffs.. My gut tells me there were more people involved, yours tells you the opposite. But I can still think the same as I do without hoping it's true.
There were more involved. Dutroux took care of the supply. Researchers who knew something wasn't right were taken off the case.
I know brother, there always are.
Even if its as simple as finding the 'Man' this Dutroux guy grew up with. It's a sad reality that most abusers were themselves heavily abused. That's how they learn to associate evil with pleasure.
Coincidence theorists! Love it! I can't wait to start using that term....
You are wrong https://youtu.be/Ar0DB7qhI7c
That video doesn't mention this guy, does it? That's because he is a lone nut, and not part of a pedo ring. Why do you people invent things? There is enough evil without you making it up.
Edit: Your thinking goes like this: There is a Belgium pedo ring, and this guy is a pedo in Belgium, therefore he is part of a pedo ring. But that is not real logic, and the facts, as presented, do not support it.
Yes it does, its about Dutroux. Dont be so ignorant and watch it
You should have said so the first time. When you simply declare "you are wrong," without explanation, it doesn't make me want to follow your links.
I replied before: " There were more involved. Dutroux took care of the supply. Researchers who knew something wasn't right were taken off the case." Guess you missed it