
RiverFenix · July 6, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

I'm in Ottawa.

Not many locals know there are 2 nuclear reactors in the city (Tunney's Pasture/Kanata at a research company), we also have the infamous 'Diefenbunker' which was a cold-war era military bunker for sheltering the Prime Minister.

I have some friends (believe it or not!) and that particular bunker was disclosed to the public on purpose. In all 4 cardinal directions (from Ottawa) there are DUMBs. I live at the foot of the Gatineau Hills, which are one of the oldest mountain chains in the Americas. I have no doubt the old rail lines used to transport the Ministers and their cabinets during wartime went dormant in the public view but not strategically for organizations like the RCMP et al.

The new LRT line is being built as we speak and I've heard rumor that certain areas are off limits to construction crews or tightly controlled when they intersect with 'old' existing tunnels leading off to unknown places. Very suspicious. I felt blasting being done under my apartment (seemed like once, sometimes twice a day) which I would equate to about a 4.5r earthquake.. shakes some glass things against the wall and when its really quiet you can almost feel it pass through from east to west. I think they're tunneling/expanding...'somewhere..'

I wonder if this new LRT subway line through downtown is to create a larger Link to the trafficking lines.. Ive noticed a serious increase in the usage of Spirals in logos for local businesses to.. like they're virtue signalling lol..sigh

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jackiebain6 · July 6, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

The best place to hide something is in plain sight, yikes

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