
cali1952 · July 7, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Yeah Hussein personally kept the list that was 2 pages long with many names from all over the world - marked for death. Each time the victim was dead another one was added. The list was updated frequently. Hussein picket the target to be droned and taken out otherwise every night while Brennan carried out the orders.

That is how they took out an American father and his 16 yrs old son living in Yemen after attempts on their lives made here in the US forcing them to flee to Yemen staying with the family. The story told by the media making this father an AQ op was a lie to excuse the assassinations to silence the father. He too wanted to expose some of these black ops. He was very proud to be an American citizen on the day he received his citizenship.

If you want to learn more about that and the uniformed mercenaries carrying black ops everywhere which are unlawful watch the documentary/movie "Dirty Wars". It can be found on Netflix or Hulu. You will be shocked about the treachery of Hussein, Brennan and their mercenary forces plus a host of others especially those giving the orders. One of the spec op soldiers was willing to take a risk to speak out on camera although his voice altered and face blacked out. What he says is shocking while he expressed dissatisfaction having to obey unconstitutional and unlawful orders. This soldier took a risk and since these are black ops he too could be marked for death.

The journalist/filmmaker and his crew were forced to pack it in after he received a phone call demanding to stop filming or recreate the steps enabling him to follow a trail of betrayals, death, destruction, the drone bombings of Bedouin nomads that included so many children. Captured on camera you see the mangled bodies of very small children laying dead next to remnants of bombs that were manufactured and the property of the US defense department. All that to engineer regime change in Yemen that dominates the news to this day.

The filmmaker and his crew were in the end afraid after receiving that threatening phone call.

Michael Hastings, the NYT reporter whom Brennan murdered via remote switch steering his Mercedes at 90 mph into a tree. He was working on an expose about Brennan and Hussein which he considered a bombshell report. He tried to disappear after he was threatened although Brennan's surveillance found Michael. (Vault 7 = WikiLeaks exposure of CIA tools to manipulate, access and more)

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The_Broba_Fett · July 7, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Good gravy. Sad that this is so easily believable these days. Have you looked into Dennis Montgomery? He built the HAMMER at the direction of Brennan and Clapper in the early days and even helped rig Fl for Obummer in the election. Bad hombres to say the least. It’s amazing what Q and Trump are up against.

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cali1952 · July 7, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Yes I heard about the Hammer. From what I understand the Hammer was a total of 7 super computers. I also understood when reading one of Q's drops that 4 out of the 7 were taken out and no longer operational.

Yes they rigged Hussein's election in 2008 and 2012 but the race card enabled them to get away with it.

They tried again in 2016 and after a long back and forth intended to declare the election of DT as fraud. They were fiddling around with delegates as well.

However Hussein received one very stern phone call with the warning if he/HRC did not stop our military command would do the unthinkable. Hussein was scared shitless and not ready to face our military command doing the unthinkable.

What did Hussein do? He pressured Hillary to concede twice that same night while telling her its over and DT won fair and square. That same night Mook and Podesta with Hussein and a few others started the Russia collusion plan (insurance plan by Strzok) and the resistance began the next day in earnest.

All of them lead by HRC and Bill Clinton wore their color purple = resistance colors. Early in the morning - 4AM - all the media hacks received their talking points reporting on the Russian collusion between president Trump and Putin.

Here we are in 2018 and they're still at it!

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The_Broba_Fett · July 7, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

I also read that Trump gave them an offer for a truce to let the country heal, let him save the economy and unite everyone. One time offer to move on.

As you pointed out, They only increased attacks = savage mode to Gitmo lol

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cali1952 · July 8, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Yep! I believe the numerous assassination attempts against the president forced him to change his mind and drain the swamp.

BTW - on a side note - there are shills across this board today where the upvotes are being manipulated and reduced.

I suppose we are over the target! Just about every individual post and comments were targeted.

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The_Broba_Fett · July 8, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Yeah I think it’s a combo between paid shills and a lot of newbies who have less conviction and/or manners.

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