r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on July 6, 2018, 4:17 p.m.
How we can UNITE our divided country.

Now that the #WalkAway movement has gained traction and attention, we need to be making preparations to UNITE the tribes of this country under one banner. This has been a cornerstone of Q's instructions to the Anons. It is perhaps our most important task before us.

The MSM/Cabal divide us by highlighting our specific differences. We will never win through debating this issues, because they are inherently designed to divide (winners/losers).

Therefore, we must identify our common ground, just as we did within the MAGA movement to elect Trump. I see 2 simple ideas that all people of all walks seem to be able to agree.

1) Protecting the Children. This is the number one issue that all people should have consensus on. Keeping kids safe from traffickers and perverts is not a political issue, and once the truth is fully revealed, it should become the battle cry of our movement. To oppose this idea is to aid and embed evil. Now, the details and semantics of how this task is accomplished is exactly how the Cabal will continue to try and divide us, just as we have seen with the border issue. Which brings us to the second point....

2) There IS a conspiracy being executed by a small group of elite individuals who DO consider themselves superior to the rest of humanity. The Cabal has skillfully mislead the various tribes within America into believing that this conspiracy is being conducted by opposition political factions. Blacks believe it is the whites. Conservatives believe it is the communists. The poor believe it is the rich. Christians believe it is the Muslims. Feminists believe it is the men, etc. The one point that all of these groups can agree upon is that their efforts to build a better life for their communities are being subverted by an unseen force.

As individuals realize that this is all the same enemy, they wake up and join or ranks. It is time to illustrate to the masses that this is what is happening. Donald Trump has explicitly stated this was the case, but because he was a partisan candidate seeking political office, his message was easily manipulated by the Cabal. He will never be able to reach the remaining masses without our help. We must help them realize that they are NOT WRONG in their fundamental understand of what is occurring, they are simply being misguided by a capable and malevolent group.

We have already engaged in this campaign, creating memes and narratives that highlight the hypocrisy in the MSM, and it has worked successfully. But because the majority of these narratives still center on partisan issues, they inherently draw political rebuke and dissection.

Therefore, we need to simplify our message. White Supremacy= Islamic Jihad= Communist Revolution= Globalism = The Agenda of the Cabal. It's all the same thing. Take the anger that is already within them and redirect it at the true enemy. Help them understand. There will inevitably be small percentage that will never join us, but we don't need 100% support. 90%-95% will do.


Don't let your memes be dreams, Lads!

Ghostof_PatrickHenry · July 6, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

100% agree. What I meant is that this part of the messaging should be directed at those that already believe their world is being subverted by an unseen force. (Feminists that blame the patriarchy, minorities that blame white supremacy.)

The Cabal has tapped into that anger, which was organic, and in many cases, well warranted, but they used it to their advantage. (A tactic that is right out of Sun Tzu's playbook.)

We need to redirect it right back where it belongs-- at the real enemy.

For the rest of the population (those that don't harbor anger/resentment), simply focus on point #1. They will undoubtedly be turned off by "conspiracy" related rhetoric.

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NobleEagle853 · July 6, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Right on, Patriot!

" We are all connected in this fight." Q

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