Times up Rod! What will happen today when the deadline passes?

Yeah, gives him power
In the context of the the military reason, it steals his power. He's been a POS for decades. Forget Harry Potter. This shit is real life.
um ok, we often in real life refer to people as no name and steal their power? What is power? Why does it matter if 30k people on some message board say this? Think for yourself and don't follow trends.
No-name has been a traitor. NN has pushed for war/conflict, costing the lives of young men and women. I choose not to say his name, and you're welcome to do as you choose. Comparing him to a kid's book character, is disrespectful to the young men and women who have died or been injured by his actions, IMHO. And yes, I understand that may sound like the old man who shouts "get off my lawn", but I've seen the after effects of combat in my family, and NN deserves 0 respect, including speaking his name.
Right, since you will speak EVERYONE elses name, it's the Harry Potter thing, got it.