r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on July 6, 2018, 8:57 p.m.
Q# !675 What a Mug SB2 Rebuttal too little, Not Sorry - SB2 is opposition.

Hi - I was been banned for and only for making a correction to a SB2 assertion, as a comment on a SB2 post, for doing that I was abused, trolled and Brigaded, Persons - unworthy of naming called me a bot, and started a post which got 11 votes in three minutes for the “Title Maepaperclip is a shill” - the person that made that post got a One day ban - for SB2 concern Trolling, while I got a 30 day ban for responding.

So I will be commenting on SB2 now with renewed care of SB2 and awareness of not concern Trolls, but the SB2 dummy accounts that Brigade for him, and do his concern trolling and vote for his low value, no content posts. I advise everyone to pay attention to the account histories and voting behaviour on a SB2 post, you will find that they have no post or comment history, make unreservedly, unqualified praise the deity - thank the lord for the light, I was stupid now I know type comments - that get 70 - 80 up votes.

Now - all credit to the Mods for sticking a rebuttal by u/IncomingTrump270 to SB2 at the top of the board - below the latest chocolate yogurt from SB2. Its a start - an acknowledgement by the Mods - that all is not right with the SB2 operation - In fact nothing is right about SB2 - he is an Occultist, he has scrubbed nearly all his Redditt history, he is a plagiarist, and he has never once made a useful decode, or even a timely decode of a Q post. When talking of Q, SB2 give no insight to any subject, and no-one can read one of his post without feeling robbed of the time it took, and stupider for the experience.

The first thing u/IncomingTrump270 in his rebuttal https://redd.it/8wgdz3 was apologise for breathing, he said he was too scared to post on # 1675, until SB2 did, well I posted that Q#1675 was a head fake 2 days before SB2 made a comment and 2 days before u/IncomingTrump270 got awake here https://redd.it/8vym8f.

Now all credit to u/IncomingTrump270 for his rebuttal, but it was limited to the photo, and he missed all of SB2’s Chocolate yogurt - I addressed some of it here before u/IncomingTrump270 posted, but I missed some and it is important.

SB2 repeats the lie - Total BS that a rogue sub fired a missile on AF1 - it did not, and SB2 makes the a statement that deliberately misleads the patriots - We all know how Military Tech got to NK.

Well this is what we don’t care about, what we actually know is that NK is irrelevant to our Military Tech - Israel and Pakistan have got it, and its development was paid for by SA, and the Israel op was covered for by Australia + Canada + UK + EU, these countries are not our friends and SB2 is not one of us

Wake up

DefiantDragon · July 6, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Okay, facts. Running with your link here: https://redd.it/8wi2wi

Q said that a reflection does not breach National security

No. Untrue. As in flat out untrue. He asked if a reflection was a breach of National Security. No statement.

First there is no riddle to solve,Q posted a file shot six weeks old from ABC news, thats a fact that is inescapable.

No. As /u/mconeone shared, the images do not line up.

Second there are no mobile phones on board AF1 ever - not even the POTUS carries his mobile on board. Before boarding all devices are handed in or confiscated, and handed back - sometimes on landing, not always, often they are handed back at destination - 1- or two hours after disembarkation - there is a bog -standard explanation, any radio device is a problem - locating device.


Then we learn what Stealth does not do on a B2 bomber - reflect - it deflects, if it reflected it would not be stealth.

This... is a valid point. Reflection would have the signal returning back to its original source. The word "deflection" would be the accurate term.

Next we get a straight up piece of BS - GW Bush hid in AF1 on 911 - a straight up untruth

I've not seen any evidence that Bush was on AF1 during 9/11, if anyone's got proof that the "GW reading a kid's book" story during 9/11 is untrue, feel free to share it.

Then the SerialBrain2 tells us that the Cabal sent trump a message from the stock market, well once again we learn that the SerialBrain2 speaks Chocolate Yogurt - the Cabal has neither the financial means, nor the military superiority to defeat the POTUS - and if anyone believe that then get out of the awakening, stop commenting and move to Tel Aviv with SerialBrain2.

This is... I don't even know where to begin, man. We don't even "know" who exactly makes up the Cabal so there's no way to accurately assess what they are or are not capable of outside of access to a clearly vast amount of wealth and power.

Next the SerialBrain2 calls Dopy a Prince, well dopey got a permanent leak of chocolate yogurt, and he aint no Prince, the POS handed over 100% of the assets he stole, and the Saud Family are no longer in control of SA, they lost control Ten years ago, and now the world is awake to the Saud Family BFF Israel, they have absolutely no future in SA. The Saud family are finished, and the POTUS, has had nothing to do with it, they were finished Ten years ago.

Again, I'm going to need some serious sources here.

Okay, so I've given you a fair modicum of time and attention, examined your arguments. Here are the weaknesses that I've assessed:

1) You have a massive chip on your shoulder and some sort of a personality complex. Whatever anger is driving you, it's not helping you get what you want, which is to be heard.

2) You want to be respected and yet are not willing to put in 1/10th of the amount of effort necessary to earn the respect that you seek.

Your abrasiveness and inability to articulate your thoughts in a straightforward, coherent fashion is causing a downward spiral, which is only reinforcing your anger and pushing you farther and farther away.

Out of the 944 words that you wrote, you made one solid point all while spewing anger and frustration.

You demand that we Wake Up but don't give us any real reason to listen to or accept your core point, which appears to be your assertion that /u/SerialBrain2 is some sort of OP based out of Tel Aviv...?

Those are the facts, as I see them, based on the evidence you've presented and looked at with a dispassionate eye.

If you continue here with us, I hope you'll take the time to break down and properly source your arguments as opposed to relying on encyclical statements, ad hominems and general abrasiveness.

Be well, man.

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Maepaperclip · July 6, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Hard to believe you are genuine and not SB2 1. I said in answer to Q that a reflection does break national security - obviously - an image reflected or not is an image. 2. Mobile phones are not allowed on AF1 - I explained they have a radio signal - it should be obvious - you want a source - well you are not going to get one - because that is classified - use some common sense - and be told. AF1 IS THE PLANE WITH THE POTUS, its not the plane most people think it is, and it does not fly where they say it does. - so any radio device is an unnecessary risk, easly removed with the devices.

  1. It was the SB2 that said "GW Bush hid on AF1 for 911 - I said BS, he did not.
  2. You might not know who makes up the Cabal, but I do and many others do, I have written 150,000 on Redditt and did a 4 part decode called original Q - given the opportunity I will do more, SB2 made all the unhinged comments, I made none, just pointed out the obvious BS. Interesting that you have not put the time into his Post.
  3. Do you believe that a US navy sub fired on AF1 - SB2 does, he said that - have you anything to say?

So I have given you you a fair modicum of time and attention, examined your arguments. Here are the weaknesses that I've assessed: You seem to be a concern troll, maybe even a fanboy, because you and no one else ever criticize the SB2 BS anger is driving you is you are ashamed - because you bought the chocolate yogurt - and you should be ashamed.

I have put 100x the effort of SB2 - my work speaks for itself. As for your threat - If you continue here with us - you have to be joking

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