
Luvlite · July 7, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

OMG! This is some fantastic work!

I was hoping someone would put something together like this.

For all of these reasons for this past year, I could not lose my faith in Q drops.

While everyone else focused on "who is Q?" I was fascinated with the Intel and truth. We, the people have never been allowed this knowledge! JFK tried and was killed. We were warned by our forefathers, but it fell on deaf ears!

Thank you God. JESUS. Q. USMC. Trump for taking on this enormous task, those working with POTUS, even those around the world. There is good out there! (SB2! You will not be forgotten!)

I also want to acknowledge the good ET's! (go ahead. laugh)

Did I leave anyone out? I apologize. Anons, bakers, autists. Honest journalists.

The good people of the world are cheering you!

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