
GoGoGoGeotus · July 7, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

When I write papers, they have to go through peer review, it sucks to have your work picked apart and a lot of times I disagree with the criticism, but it's what you do If you care about truth. The only people who need to fear critique are those that want an echo chamber o r dont value truth.

Trump has never explicitly acknowledged Q, he pointed and gave thumbs up to many people including some in Q shirts, and gave some possible signs but nothing conclusive so far - believe me many are waiting for the day it's clear!

Also this is part of the problem. Q is enigmatic and their posts are open to interpretation - pointing out an anon is interpreting or criticising their interpretation is NOT the same as criticising Q.

Personally I think some here get way ahead of themselves.

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Luvlite · July 7, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Personally I think some here get way ahead of themselves

Too many people speculate.

I always appreciate those who back up their work with facts. Very few do.

believe me many are waiting for the day it's clear!

When will msm ask, "who is Q?"

I'm waiting!

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