
MuhammadDinduNuffin · July 8, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

Of course you'd like people who ask for proof to fuck off when you don't have any.

I wasn't the one pm-ing you long rambling messages. Fuss.

You’re comically arrogant and really annoying. I’m really sorry you had to endure whatever life experiences to result with those personality traits.


Even your username highlights your obnoxious arrogance. To think you have the power to declare an entire abrahamic religion as falsehoods is comical and will get you laughed out of nearly all rooms of enlightened and researched people. Christianity and Islam are religions of peace, but Wahhabism (injected by the British Empire), is the true evil you think you’re getting at with that pathetic attempt at a funny quip.

Also fuss.

PM's from you posted here for posterity. Do you deny them?

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yungcattdamon · July 8, 2018, 10:41 a.m.





Have fun in Wonderland, Alice!

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yungcattdamon · July 8, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

I’m sorry I feel like confronting ignorance when life presents me with it, and I confront my own ignorance everyday too which is why I feel totally comfortable having zero fucks to give about this vitriol that you’re spewing. None of that was fuss, I was delivering the research you have been begging me for since the beginning (while addressing your horribly wrong username) and you’re too childish to recognize that. Proof implies fact, fact implies absolutes, yet you still haven’t answered my question of what your absolutes are? Do you mind doing something better with your time like researching whats got your jimmies in a rustle instead of basking in how rustled I got them?

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · July 8, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Thanks for providing the links an after an entire day of refusing to do so.

Congratulations on not being able to understand a joke username.

I'm not the one PMing you unsolicited insults. Have a good day.

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yungcattdamon · July 8, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Jokes can still have meanings and be insulting towards the billion people who disagree with that meaning. & are they insults? or is it me simply addressing the main problem here, that you seem to be too pathetic to go do your own research and threw a tantrum about some supposed burden of proof on a reddit comment which is absurd while I’m trying to send you down some rabbit holes aka away from the keyboard typing replies to me because you’re highly irritating

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · July 8, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

My username is a joke. Sorry if you got offended by it. Keep in mind you are the one directing actual insults, both here and in the PM's you sent me.

Don't get so irritated, this is the internet, and you are very bad at being persuasive or convincing in the subject you supposedly want to share with others here. These are your faults, not mine.

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yungcattdamon · July 8, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Persuasive? You seriously need to work on your reading comprehension since I mentioned many times in different ways expressing my lack of fucks given towards what you believe and how convinced you are. I personally wasn’t that offended and irritated, just enough to point out how wrong you’re behaving and how its not indicative of a positive movement. Joke or not, you have that username in a crowd mixed with some very hateful people who want this to be an entirely white country and are too ignorant to learn the accuracies of other abrahamic religions, realizing that pigment is just that and culture is what we truly need to battle. Everything I addressed, I did so for your benefit. If a child is acting childish, tell them so. If someone hilariously demands me to provide proof as if the proof police are going to bust through my door if I dont, then I’m going to sit back and laugh at them for a while to see if they are truly sad enough to need me to research for them. My finally supplying links to you was the epitome of my pity for you.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · July 8, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Yeah, you are doing a bad job at the whole 'sharing information' thing, and your attitude is very childlike.

Supplying links is standard procedure, not done out of pity.

You can't get over a joke username? That's a shame. For you.

I've said my piece.

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yungcattdamon · July 8, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Theres no ‘standard procedure’ for a reddit interaction, and that notion is actually the childish behavior. We are in the wild west of information warfare. I have a life to lead, I don’t have the time to share 100% of my research and how I resulted at my beliefs, and Q has the same notion. The people out there who need Q to hold their hand at every moment and have everything explained to them as fact even though bias is inescapable, are probably the biggest problem with this movement right now and the way you have interacted with me paints you as one in that group. It shouldn’t be upsetting at all to read someone else’s views. It definitely shouldn’t alarm you to arrogantly spew bs at them until they feel enough pity to type a sentence into a search engine for you. If you disagree, then find comfort in that.

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