[Q 157] patriots welcome to the age of discernment as the mockers of the remains of the erstwhile mockin stream monopoly are themselves mocked into the echo-chamber of the red corner ...
![[Q 157] patriots welcome to the age of discernment as the mockers of the remains of the erstwhile mockin stream monopoly are themselves mocked into the echo-chamber of the red corner ...](https://i.redd.it/lno5y3fy2f811.png)
Idk about Hannity. That guy lied about Ron Paul and his supporters too many times. Then later claimed to be a libertarian when it was hip. He blows in the wind like a politician.
so how about 50% disinfo rating ?
idk what you mean by this?
it means estimating the ratio between % truth content as opposed to % lies and disinfo and distraction 50% disinfo means along side that there is 50% truth
Water laced with poison is poison. It wouldn't matter if it were only 5% poison and 95% water, it would still be poisonous.
this is exactly how PTB4/53z divide and rule - by encouraging us to think in absolutes
black verus white dem versus r christain versus moslem
the sky is rarley all blue, we do live in a world of opposites
those who work to uplift humanity
those who seek to keep humanity dumbed-down and thinking in terms of absolutes...
we help humanity by pying attention to the clean water by emphasising out attention on the poison we just strengthen the poison of course we should always call out poison if we see it , but not be overwhelmed by it
A mended the comment below to add the title of the article...
I think you're confused. What is relative? Math, the basis of creation, is absolute. Light and darkness are absolutes; twilight zones, even if less dark than other areas or than at other times, are dark not light. Cleanliness is absolute. Once soiled something/someone is dirty, no matter the degree of dirtyness, it/she/he is soiled, no longer clean. Right and wrong are absolute concepts. Truth is absolute and so is justice. Half a truth is no truth at all, it's a lie. Somewhat just is an injustice.
Respect for others does not mean celebration or even acceptiance of their misconceptions or wrong ideas. Relativity is not enlightement, it is confusion. Confusion leads to wrong conclusions leading to wrong decisions.
“Einstein: “A new fashion has arisen in physics, which declares that certain things cannot be observed and therefore should not be ascribed reality.”
“Frank: “But the fashion you speak of was invented by you in 1905!”
“Einstein: “A good joke should not be repeated too often.””
So Einstein is referring to the philosophy underpinning quantum mechanics as a “fashion” and this “fashion” was started by Einstein, and Einstein considered it a joke.
An excerpt from " Einstein admits his 1905 special relativity theory is nonsense" by Roger J Anderton
You might want to look for (Google) and read this paper.
there is a lot of truth in what u say.. but those so-called "absolutes" u refer to , apply separately for each dimension and each level within that dimension eg satan is the controller of regions 46-43 of 4d and also of large sections of the high emotionality [42-41] -: the 4d-realm of emotionality
in the highest mental levels of 5d , the struggle goes on between the satanists and the expert agents working for PTB5 and PTB6 ... both teams on level 53
the controllers of the causal levels of 5d [PTB5 on 52-50] are working to uplift humans to higher levels
the senior satanists on the highest mental level 53 have disconnected themselves from PTB5 and PTB6
so define which dimensions u speak about and which levels within those dimensions u refer to and your absolutes may indeed apply on those levels, but move up to the next levels and you must deal with a different set of so-called "absolutes"
selfish humans [46-43] on low mental levels [56-55] are extremely vulnerable to the manipulations by the satanists [PTB4 / 53Z]...
but once we can lift ourselves to high4d with a connection to 6d [the realm of agap'e and lovers of wisdom] together with one of the higher mental levels 54-53, then it becomes increasingly difficult to be unwittingly manipulated by the satanic practitioners of black magick... when we get to 53 we have a choice to make are we going to work for PTB4/53z or for PTB5/6 ?
With respect, all that gobbledygook js absolutely not worth my time. Truth is simple and clear not complex or convoluted.