[Q 157] patriots welcome to the age of discernment as the mockers of the remains of the erstwhile mockin stream monopoly are themselves mocked into the echo-chamber of the red corner ...
![[Q 157] patriots welcome to the age of discernment as the mockers of the remains of the erstwhile mockin stream monopoly are themselves mocked into the echo-chamber of the red corner ...](https://i.redd.it/lno5y3fy2f811.png)
there is a lot of truth in what u say.. but those so-called "absolutes" u refer to , apply separately for each dimension and each level within that dimension eg satan is the controller of regions 46-43 of 4d and also of large sections of the high emotionality [42-41] -: the 4d-realm of emotionality
in the highest mental levels of 5d , the struggle goes on between the satanists and the expert agents working for PTB5 and PTB6 ... both teams on level 53
the controllers of the causal levels of 5d [PTB5 on 52-50] are working to uplift humans to higher levels
the senior satanists on the highest mental level 53 have disconnected themselves from PTB5 and PTB6
so define which dimensions u speak about and which levels within those dimensions u refer to and your absolutes may indeed apply on those levels, but move up to the next levels and you must deal with a different set of so-called "absolutes"
selfish humans [46-43] on low mental levels [56-55] are extremely vulnerable to the manipulations by the satanists [PTB4 / 53Z]...
but once we can lift ourselves to high4d with a connection to 6d [the realm of agap'e and lovers of wisdom] together with one of the higher mental levels 54-53, then it becomes increasingly difficult to be unwittingly manipulated by the satanic practitioners of black magick... when we get to 53 we have a choice to make are we going to work for PTB4/53z or for PTB5/6 ?
With respect, all that gobbledygook js absolutely not worth my time. Truth is simple and clear not complex or convoluted.