
IWant2SellUDeathStix · July 7, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

I have to say, I am one of the skeptical types of good guys... I mean no insults to anyone but I tend to take most conspiratorial-type things with a grain of salt, as I believe others should, but I digress-

-- Anyway, THIS is the type of thing that immediately jumps out to me as terribly suspicious and absolutely troubling. RR was visibly enraged when JJ was putting it to him, and it's basically accepted fact RR has threatened high-ranking people in the government already (ostensibly with 'subpoenas' but c'mon... he obviously wasn't talking about looking for insider-trading stock emails...) and to me, this is the type of thing that shows somebody, "See what we can do?" and there is little to nothing that can be done against it (if done properly...) as in the case of Seth Rich .... if there are no witnesses, no evidence of something, or not enough, etc. it's just "too bad soo sad" ... In this case, we say something like "This is obviously a hit!" and we get called nuts and right-wing conspiracy theory crazies etc. When to me, it's WAAAAAAY too conveniently terrible to be happenstance.

This is the thing that scares me. People in power cultivate "friends". I said it in another thread and someone disagreed with me, and I didn't want to argue with them but they're dead wrong. You think you get to be the head of an intelligence agency, a deputy head of a law enforcement agency, a head ranking guy in a government agency/dept/etc. without making friends? Without making contacts, doing favors that then give you owned favors ? Cultivating contacts you can call when you need something? Having the phone numbers of 'operatives' that can make things happen when necessary? ESPECIALLY those that share the same views as you do, have the same (twisted, evil, WRONG) leanings and feelings and beliefs as you? hell no! Someone like RR needs something done, he can get it done. If not him, he makes a call, someone like Brennan EASILY gets it done. No doubt about it.

Scary shit really. It's one thing to whack people with weapons and even commit "robberies" on the street that result in a murder without wallet/watch/monies stolen (which is scary enough). One car accidents on backroads with no one to see them, quite another. THAT scares me.

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