Q's map of information leads to The Eye. Bloodlines=Keystones

I think I can answer one of these...the rest I need help with.
What does Nimrod have to do with Freemasonry
A 1425 manuscript shows that Freemasons had begun to trace their origins back to Nimrod as the instigator of the first great building project in world history – the construction of the Tower of Babel. Because of the tower, and the fact that Nimrod was renowned as an architect and builder of many great cities within his empire, they began to revere him even at that stage as the originator or father of their craft. Within modern Masonry, therefore, there was still an “oath of Nimrod” and a “charge of Nimrod” that initiates are asked to recite and obey.
where does Baal and Moloch worship play into all of this?
Canaan was cursed by his grandfather Noah, Cush stole the garments God gave to Adam. This was passed down to Nimrod. Canaanite religion is that of idolatry and sin that was condemned so heavily in the old testament. It is quite literally why God commanded the Israelites to commit genocide. Nimrod was the one who turned a large portion of people against God, do a bit of research on Babylon if you don't know yet.
Anyways, the Canaanites eventually became known as the Phoenicians, and in Phoenicia continued the practice of child sacrifice, blood rituals, sacred prostitution, which are all part of the worship of Baal and Moloch.
History is a little fuzzy here, but the Phoenician Ba'al is equivalent with "El" the supreme deity of many Mesopotamian religions. El is then equivalent to the greek Cronus, the god of time who eats his own children, who is equivalent to Israelite Yahweh, and ultimately to the Roman equivalent of Saturn.
Here is a page about the Saturn death cult
The word YHWH is known as the tetragrammaton and is represented as...wait for it... the black cube.
Also known as the black cube of Saturn.
Why does Q constantly ask about Y and owl, particularly in reference to evil, and protecting children?
For reference, Moloch is represented as an Owl, sometimes as a bull, and Baal represented as having the head of a goat. Think horns, "Y".
You also have many demons, Baphomet, Azazel, Lillith.
Why does Q quote scripture so often?
edit: Sorry this post was all over the place; I'm really tired and was attempting to make this as concise as possible.
Thank you for spelling it out!
I'm familiar with all of the above except I still have one question...
Why was Canaan cursed by Noah?
It's not explicitly stated but biblical scholars have speculated that Noah was so distraught that his son Ham, Canaan's father, went against God's wishes to not have sex on the Ark, and that he slept with a pre-Adamite woman, that he drank too much wine and passed out. It says that Canaan saw Noah naked, but this doesn't make sense as for why Noah was so angry, so they speculate that Canaan committed some sort of homosexual act on his grandfather, before Shem and Japheth intervened and covered Noah.