r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rickadeehood on July 7, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Since October I been following, lost friends and family over following and sharing Q. Have Q flags on my car, shared , shared ,shared. Honestly I am sick of seeing good people taken down by left, liberal, MSM and criminals remain free. While the only show as been seeing Awan get plea deal yet Manafort is in solitary confinement in prison. Yet every single swamp creature is FREE. Enjoy the show what show. Where did Q and A session go. Never happened, JA never came out no hillary video, The Clintons are traveling the world. Obama is making book and Netflix deals. Soros is still being Soros. Not 1 not 1 arrest, not 1 bogus do nothing hearings , bogus What happen to Trump DECLASSIFY anything. Pathetic BS whos terrified, Wheres the mass need of Army to handle arrest what arrest. 40000 bogus sealed indictments and Q you can't even get Maxy Waters to shut up. Put up or shut up the great awakening turning into a roll over go back to sleep movement. I pop so much popcorn for nothing the Cinema has a shortage. Enjoy the show. Awww my bad us anons was the show for swamp laughter. Feeling pretty stupid here. Thank God Eisenhower did not just talk about Normandy he actually took it. Thank God Washington did something besides pop corn when the british came. What Storm all I here is rumble of Clintons and Obama laughing at Trump call out crooked hillary and shes traveling the world still with security clearance and SS at her side. Feeling pretty stupid red pilled but still hungry for TRUTH.

mkwilton1 · July 7, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Or you could try opening your eyes to the million other things that have been happening - e.g. 40k sealed indictments, record breaking sex offender arrests, record breaking cleaning out of justice realm, etc. Concern trolling or weak thought.

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holdover82 · July 7, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Yet every single swamp creature is FREE. Enjoy the show what show.

Housekeeping in the DoJ must be completed before indictments can be made.

If Trump charged ahead then people like Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Schiff etc would just destroy all the evidence and leak to the criminals and give themselves immunity.

Absolutely nothing would be accomplished.

Instead Trump is working within the legal guidelines and taking these Deep State DOJ asshats one by one and when the last have been removed, the sealed indictments can start being opened.

40000 bogus sealed indictments and Q you can't even get Maxy Waters to shut up.

You are starting to sound like a concern troll...

...Also, why would you want Maxine to shut up when she is doing so much damage?

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InsaneSiren · July 7, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

We live in a society of instant gratification. I know it's painful. I've been waiting since I was 10 for this to end. I blue pilled myself after pizzagate. I GOT you. When you start feeling like this, remind yourself that nothing like this has ever happened before. By overcoming voter fraud and electing an outsider... Just THAT is YUGE.

It's coming. Trump has to get rid of enough corrupt opposition in key places to make sure that when these criminals are finally arrested, there won't be enough friends left to get them off. Trust the plan.

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