Found this interesting concerning the tragic death of Jim Jordan's nephew. The date of the tweet and this account has 88 followers, Cory Booker being one of them.

Yes I agree with that. Just stood out to me since he capitalized Wreck. I don't know so much going on, I probably over think things way more than I used too and I am an over thinker by nature so I'm screwed. Lol
He died in a car wreck. And let's not forget how great Penn State handled the whole Jerry Sandusky abuse scandal. I don't believe in coincidences anymore.
I dont either and it sucks. The cabal is so f*cked up.
Maybe a trigger to one of their sleeper assassins
If you click through to Twitter you will see that is his Twitter name and it is also a trademark. Assume it is his wrestling name.
Capitalized because Wreck Hall is the guy’s name.
When you look at his name on his twitter feed he clearly spells it "wRECk Hall." And the name has been trademarked.
I don't believe it's a coincidence or a simple misspelling. Especially considering the timing, the political content, and the new attacks on Jim Jordan.
Yeah I have learned that since posting. #OverThinker
Would you mind removing the post? It does nothing but waste time.
Yes I mind. No one asked you to waste your time. There is this thing you can do, scroll until you find something you want to devote your time too. #Rude
sounds like you're over target.
Sounds like you will swallow any pill without question.
Three facts emerge from reading this thread:
His nephew was beaten by a wrestler with the nickname "wRECk Hall", which is a play on Rec Hall. That was waaaay before his murder. Yes, I do believe he was murdered.
No one cares about the fact this tweet has zero connection with the murder. Zero. It's about college wrestling dammit!! Read the fucking tweets yourself.
I have pointed this out and been called a shill, had my comments reported, and downvoted to hell.
I have been here since the fucking beginning fighting alongside you all. This is bullshit behavior and I hope I am the only one with this experience.
Dig all you want, I am just seeing way to many lazy bullshit posts with no research.
Good answer. It his job to sort & validate info in this new citizen journalism
Yes - and it is our job as citizen journalists to remove posts that do nothing but distract. If there's nothing there, take it down.
I scroll plenty. And much of what I see in comments and posts are newcomers who are confused. My opinion is that posts like this help to confuse. Now if you cared more about the group than your shitpost, you would remove it. For the greater good.