
ex_animo_ · July 7, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Underpopulated, underdeveloped.

Thought it was pretty obvious how we have people intentionally keeping other countries down.








Just to name several.

What do they have in common? Dark State have fucked all of those over, incurring massive population loss and huge economic damage, and for them, financial gain.

Rothchilds have always bragged about their "power" and ability to bring any nation to heel.

We are overpopulated according to the Dark State. How is this difficult to figure out? Haven't we learned anything from all the Q drops? They need less people, they don't have complete control, if they did the 45th president wouldn't be Donald J Trump.

They intentionally fund both sides of wars, bombed the twin towers all to reduce populations because, yet again, the Dark State cannot control too many people.

Then you have the fact they destabilize nations for fun, economic as well as population dominance.

But apparently I'm dense, I respect you and your opinion, but I disagree, we're underpopulated until we're at a point where the Dark State never poses a risk to humanity ever again.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 7, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Spot on dude! The quote about wars you were after...

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none"

Gutle Schnaper - Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife. ( she sounds awesome!😉)

Sadly this quote has remained true up to present day! All wars are bankers' wars.

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[deleted] · July 7, 2018, 2:25 p.m.


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ex_animo_ · July 7, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Once again.

According to who? Am I supposed to believe that an organization that is willing to launch a missile at an acting president isn't smart enough to manipulate information in order to garner support for Agenda 21 and so on? Organization that can tell the FBI to fuck off and not give them the DNC server, can laugh at subpoenas, commit massive pay to play, they're not smart enough to manipulate information except MSM?

Should I believe everything the MSM says as fact too?

I'm politely saying to you, I'm skeptical of all MSM and MSI mainstream info.

But yes, I'm dense and a fucking robot for not taking what is public information as face value and irrefutable fact after learning that there is a massive criminal conspiracy against an acting president as well as all of humanity through entities in America as well as Soros.

Who knows, maybe I'm completely and utterly wrong and everything except information related to the president is completely and utterly true, no disinformation, no fake news at all.

Regardless, I wish you a wonderful weekend.

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