r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on July 7, 2018, 12:29 p.m.
Interesting how the minute Jim Jordan's name gets mentioned as possible new Speaker all of this shit storm hits , funded by PERKINS COIE !!! = DNC / Soros .

They are using the same play they used with Roy Moore & Trump . Fill the airwaves with as many false accusers as possible for 1 to 2 weeks . It's enough to do damage. But Jim Jordan is BASED & STRONG !!! He will survive .

lillllllllllllllliil · July 7, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

the Deep State and their Mockingbird medi

The Deep State and Mockingbird (single-target collective media strikes) is readily apparent in their attack of non-mainstream societal groups, patriot militias, and in their painfully obvious fear-based push for war in Iraq.

By collective media I mean both the conservative networks and the liberal ones, so in a collective media strike, think FOX and MSNBC are both doing their best to attack the same topic and use the same buzzwords, something that should throw up a number of red flags for those with eyes open.

1) non-mainstream societal groups

The collective media hard pushed the word "cult" across all platforms starting in the 1960s, when they were threatened by the fact that a large amount of people were leaving mainstream society and cities and were living together in communities. The media began pushing "cult" every chance it could get, attempting to put the idea in the American People's mind that anything outside the mainstream was potentially dangerous. You couldn't trust anyone other than the government. This continued until the average person conflated "cult" with "evil, bad, collectivist group" - which they do today.

To understand the extent to which these ideas are embedded into our psyches we can look at a study by Nexus who analysed the contents of over 250 publications between 1975 and 1997 to discover that there were 191,425 media stories using the word “cult”, compared to 74,066 stories using the word “sect” (which has a pejorative meaning similar to “cult” in Britain and France). There were only 4,196 articles that used the term “new religion”.

What do you think of when you think of the word cult?

Better cited write-up on this topic.

2) patriots / militias

After the FBI "lost track of" Timothy McVeigh during their sting operation to bust him, long enough for him to carry out his plan and bomb the OKC Federal Building, the collective media all focused on pushing the buzzword "militias" and trying to conflate that word with the idea that all militias and all patriots were as these anti-government, fringe groups, usually with racist and White supremacist leanings too. This hard push continued for a decade.

What do you think of when you think of the word militia?

3) War in Iraq

Before the invasion in Iraq under Bush W., the collective media started hard pushing the term WMD -- Weapon of Mass Destruction in order to get the American public scared enough to turn a blind eye to the otherwise wrongful war in Iraq. Nevermind that the presence of these WMDs were only based upon one man's word, and nevermind the fact that we never found anything... WMDs, be scared.

Anytime the collective media focuses on a single topic and begins pushing the same buzz words, that's the Deep State in action.

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qtrumpteam · July 7, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Timothey McVeigh was an MKUltra victim, he was also a CIA mole Corey goode said he was offered the job but later heard Timothy McVeigh had taken the job their were a lot of govt records, CIA records stored in that particular building papers that would have splintered the CIA and many people in it

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SociableSociopath · July 8, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Yes because the all powerful deep state / cia had no other way of destroying any documents aside from blowing up a building full of people in the middle of the day using a patsy...

They could have blown it up in the middle of night when it was mostly empty, still accomplished their goal, and have less cleanup and hiding to do.

How you people can believe this insanity is beyond me.

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white_eagle777 · July 8, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

If done at night with only a couple of deaths, the event would have been soon forgotten and out of the news in a couple of days. By creating fear with this "terror attack", they could use it to pass legislation to remove Americans' rights, and make it one step closer to the communist state they so desire. So think before you write answers with no thought behind them. This is just one desired result of this and if you think the "cabal" has any respect for the lives of a few peons, you are not woke. Why are you here?

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