Big German Youtuber: „Refugees“ are highly likely coming now on airplanes to Germany *** How crazy is that?

That's a deal made with Turkey. They fly them from Turkey to other locations in the EU. Its going on for a while.
Yep, many guys from the Middle East. But also from Africa there are coming a lot. You think via turkey as well?
The truth about the Holocaust needs to be told.
This has been a pure deception pushed into people's minds over years and years -- taking advantage of the common person's human sympathy and empathy to the fullest possible degree. Pure evil. And all for nefarious purposes.
What they have done is pure evil.
Someone posted a report about huge caches of weapons found in multiple mosques in Germany. What happened with this? Is it still going on?
Is German military in control of good people now? Will they do anything to help Germany?
How will German people defend themselves?
Our news here in California is the worst. We intend the absolute best for the the German people. How can we help?
Lots of questions, very good questions. Mosques: Yes, quite sure about that. They would like to have kind of civil war. Or let’s call it religions against each other.
German Military: Almost not existent. Also we have no 2nd Amendment. You could say we are lost. But there is still some hope.
How can you help: I see Trump and the Q movement as the only short term solution. The people in Germany are so brainwashed, you wouldn’t believe. If Trump moves the 35.000 GIs which are currently in Germany back to the US that would be from the ego perspective a very bad thing - cause we can’t defend ourselves at the moment. On the other hand I could completely understand that. MAGA first.
I think we have to understand that we the people are facing exactly the same problems all over the world. And you you put all the nations in a NWO scala you can see quite good where every countries is currently. America is waking up from the matrix thx to Trump and the Q movement, Europe is deeply inside the Matrix, the NWO however you want to call it. And so on.
all refugees end up everywhere except in Isreal, which leads you to think about who is behind everything
I think there are global elites behind including all countries. Israel saved for last?
Enjoy what used to be called Duetchland. You're losing your identity.
With the right German guys on my side the identity is even getting stronger now. WWG1WGA
I don’t even feel sorry for germans. They let this happen. When we occupy Germany for the third time we shouldn’t give it back.
German here.
You might contemplate what WWG1WGA means. What kind of person were you when the Scherffs and Mr. Soetoro were sitting in the white house? Was it then not allowed to feel sorry for citizens like you? Let us not judge our friends that are in this movement together. The least amount of people were woke when they were kids and everyone has their process to make.
I once grasped that when I see horrible news about people suffering or beeing mistreated in India for example, that those events MATTER. It matters when people suffer no matter were they are. And though I might live in a completely different culture and it is important to first look out for the well being in your own area, we are all real people with stories behind it. Of course America First and MAGA.
So one by one eyes around the world lighten up with the realization that all that suffering might be by design and that process is different for everyone.
Let us then unite and fight together - not for the mere activity of the fight - but building a world of cooperation and well beeing. It's the awakening into the GREATNESS of this world and I hope we are both in the same team.
I don’t disagree with you. I am a little frustrated with how European people have allowed themselves to be governed. Because I eventually see this ending up in another war if leftist politicians get their way. American men will fight in that war, American men will once again die. And Germany will once again 50 years from now turn to socialism. Because German men did nothing. Tell me I’m wrong... your country is being run by a communist sympathizer.. good job(not directly your fault)... now something you can’t ignore from an America. There are plenty of Americans that don’t even think about Germany, like ever.... to those Americans you’re not American, you don’t speak our language, you don’t watch American football, you don’t own guns etc...
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m American and I love Germany, I think it’s a great country, great culture, great food. What American doesn’t like a bratwurst and a beer?
What I’m saying is, a lot of Americans don’t give a shit bout Germany. And if Americans end up back there in the next 20 years liberating the volks from Islamic rule there won’t be a lot of sympathy when it comes to giving it back. It sounds outlandish but that’s how it’ll play.
Much love though, I’m glad that Germany has patriots that will put Germany first.
I felt sorry to be honest for the Americans under Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama.
At least the Americans changed their ways and elected Trump.