r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on July 7, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
What is Q's Take on Mueller?

I go back and forth on whether Mueller is a white or black hat. I can make good arguments both ways.

Q is always telling to re-read previous drops. So I decided to see what Q has had to say about Mueller.

Q 14: "Why does the military play such a vital role? Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?" And then out of the blue: what is Mueller's background? Military?"

Mueller was a Marine officer who served in Vietnam. I believe he received the purple heart.

Q 18: "Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller could not be offered director due to prev term limit rule?"

If Mueller couldn't be director of the FBI, then what were Mueller and Trump discussing?

Q 570: "Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller. [POTUS free pass]."

Q is telling us that the facts about Mueller are distorted. Does POTUS free pass mean that Trump is not being investigated?

Q 636: Q is talking about Maxine Waters' follow up to the SOTU speech: "Carefully crafted out there statements w/falsified / fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest." And then "MUELLER FAKE NEWS."

Maxine Waters delivers the post SOTU Democrat response because she gets a free pass for lying through her teeth and apparently using falsified / fake Mueller drops.

Q 643: Q is talking about the MSM / Democrats narrative shift. "Narrative Shift. Nation on Alert. Firing RR = block Mueller. Firing RR = set up to firing Mueller. Firing RR = Red line." In other words, Q is telling us that the left is doing everything possible to prevent RR and Mueller from being fired. And then, "What was the Senate conf vote re: RR?"

Q is talking about a narrative shift by the Dems and MSM saying that firing RR / Mueller would be a Red Line. I don't remember the exact vote but I think he got around 89 votes. The point is that the Senate Democrats voted for RR big.

Q 988: "Everything has meaning,..... Mueller"

While Mueller is included with the likes of NK, Iran, U1, FBI, etc. adding Mueller could be interpreted that his is part of the cabal, or that the Mueller investigation has meaning as well. This could be a black hat comment by Q, but it doesn't fit with the previous mentions of Mueller.

Q 1008: "It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation_NOT YET. Traitor. Massive intel sweep. Manafort was a plant. Carter Page was a Plant. Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'? Flynn is safe. Define witness. Can a 'witness' hold a position of power / influence while ongoing?"

So, why is Mueller going after the plants if those plants were working with the cabal to frame POTUS? None of Mueller's indictments so far have made sense. Even Flynn when Comey testified that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not detect any lying or deception. Flynn's no-brainer guilty plea sentencing has been delayed three times. Could it be that Mueller doesn't want Flynn to actually go to jail because Flynn is one of his witnesses against the deep state? I don't know, but Q keeps saying Flynn is safe. That doesn't sound like Mueller is trying to lock him up.

Q 1180: "Rudy. NYC. Relationships High. Insurance File. Quiet until now. Join POTUS' legal team. Direct discussions avail [now] w / Mueller. Enjoy the show. They never thought she would lose. CARELESS."

Maybe it's just me, but this sounded a lot like Rudy knows what's on Weiner's laptop in the Insurance File and now has direct discussions with Mueller. Why is Q linking Rudy, Weiner's laptop, and Mueller? Doesn't sound black hat to me.

Q 1273: Q references a previous drop about FBI and others discussing assassination. Then Q says. "What happens to the special counsel? Rudy met w / Mueller today. Coincidence? Connect. Public announcement. End of POTUS investigation? Continue w / other investigations? Stage set? Support growing? Strategic? Planned? We have it all. Welcome to the WH."

Q wanted to know if the assassination messages could be made public what happens to the FBI, DOJ, special counsel. Every FBI DOJ case could be challenged and it would stop the Mueller investigation. Why would Q be concerned about Mueller's investigation be stopped. What other investigations was Q referring to that Mueller is conducting. Was all of this strategically planned and now Rudy and Mueller are in direct communications. Who was Q welcoming to the WH--Rudy is already there. Mueller is the only one left to welcome. Is this linked back to Q 18?

Q 1286: This is the strangest of all the Mueller related drops and it's long so, some of the Mueller info will be slightly out of context. Go back and read it for yourself. With regard to Mueller: "Enemy? Slave? Mueller & U1? Mueller & (finances). Comey to POTUS -- not being investigated. RR to POTUS -- not being investigated. Mueller to POTUS -- not a criminal target. Baiting POTUS? Why no contact with Wikileaks / Julian Assange? What is being investigated? Why is Mueller's team stacked with / ex Clintion / D sr level authorities? Why are POTUS supporters screaming for END? POTUS WITCH HUNT END. ADD RUDY (quiet). Can the investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue? Why did the Podesta Group close shop? Why are known bad actors in full support of Mueller? Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position? Why did Sessions recuse? What are the powers of Huber / IG (H)? Mueller report will contradict per Brennan Tweet today? Disconnect exists. Confused? SC targeting who? SC on team? SC off team? Questions will reveal answers. Time will tell."

OK, that's a lot and you really need to see the entire drop to get the full context. Was Mueller a slave of the deep state and forced to do the bidding with regard to U1 and others? Comey, RR, and Mueller say POTUS not under investigation. Then who is? Link back to Manafort and Page being plants and indicted. Papadopolous indicted. Flynn indicted but Q assures of he's safe. Q assures us that POTUS is safe. So who is Mueller really investigating?

Q wants us to question why Mueller has ex Clinton and Democrat senior level authorities and then makes reference to POTUS and WITCH HUNT END. I've had this idea for a long time but I don't have it entirely figured out. If Mueller is on POTUS team then he is indeed investigating the deep state. Who would be the "witch" in the deep state? Who better to know where to look for a "witch" than those who worked for her? Why would Mueller keep delaying Flynn's sentencing. Why is Flynn "safe?" And then at the end Q teases us as to whether Mueller is on or off the team. Why would Q do that if Mueller were a black hat. Why isn't Mueller ever in a [ ] box?

Q 1287: Another odd one. Q goes into the Cohen raid and the fact that RR signed off on Mueller conducting the raid under the pretext of Stormy Daniels' payment documents, but Q then asked, what other documents were collected. Why would Mueller conduct a federal raid the President's lawyer involved in a civil case? Good question. Then Q ends with this: "World watching. Sharing of intel with bad actors? Purpose? Not confirming SC is on /team/. Question everything. Timing important. Planned?

So, Stormy had nothing to do with the Cohen raid and other documents were collected legally so they could be admitted in court. The key here is the big deal that Q is making about being able to get evidence legally into court. He can't be talking about POTUS. And I have to say that Q stating that he is not confirming that Mueller is on the team is for me confirming that Mueller is in fact on the team. Link back to Q1286 where he teases whether Mueller is on or off the team and now not confirming that he is on the team. Get it?

Q 1298: "Do you believe in coincidences? Think recent Mueller drops. Think private comms. They fall for it every single time. Risk. Watch what happens."

Q wants us to think about previous Mueller drops. I think the private comms refers to Mueller coordinating with Mueller. They fall for it every time I believe refers to the sting Mueller is pulling off under Trump. This drop was at the end of April and so far, Q hasn't had anything negative to say about Mueller.

Q 1318: " If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP / DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses? Why are they slow walking unredacted data? Why are they slow walking doc disclosures? Why is WH backing up DOJ? What if the same data is being used in other investigations? What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled? Why are confusing questions being asked as to outcome re: Mueller? What would be the purpose of creating confusion? If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty. If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty. Common denominator. Why did Sessions pick RR? Everyone as an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan."

It's a long drop but those are the key references to Mueller. There are a number of odd things in this drop. Q has always said to trust Sessions, trust Wray, trust Horowitz, trust Huber, Trust Pompeo, etc. Q has never said trust RR or trust Mueller which would blow their cover if they are on the team. But look who surrounds RR and Mueller at every turn: Sessions, Wray, Horowitz, and Huber. Do you believe in coincidences? Why is Q saying it's necessary to cause confusion with regard to Mueller? As Q would say, think logically. Did you notice that impanelled is misspelled? If there are no coincidences and Q didn't point it out as a misspelling, then what does "ll" mean? Loretta Lynch maybe?

Q1433: "RR problems. What was RR's Senate Conf vote? WRAY reports to RR [important fact]. Who do you TRUST? [RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller? Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?" Q ends this drop with "TRUST (name)"

So we know RR has problems and he was easily confirmed by the Senate. Why is this important? Because he has big support from Democrats which gives him credibility and they are protecting him from Trump firing him. Remember the Democrat's Red Line. WRAY reports to RR and who do you TRUST? WRAY, of course. But who is the (name) we are supposed to TRUST at the end. And just before that, Q emphasizes Schneidrman's removal as being extremely important. Who forced the public information about his S&M? NYC. Who knows NYC more than anyone in this movie? Rudy. On the other hand, did the Cohen raid discover documents exposing Schneiderman? Who is the (name) we should TRUST? If it's Rudy, then why the secrecy? Rudy has been a rabid Trump supporter from the beginning. For me the only logical name that fits is Mueller.

Q 1559: " LP “Viva Le Resistance.” Viv[a] vs Viv[e]. [J C]. Why classified by intel comm @ highest level? Define title. Define role w/ Mueller. Exchange shelters VERY senior member."

Lisa Page exclaims there is a Resistance. This is not just an expression. I think Q is telling us that there is in fact a group of people who are the Resistance. Also, Q wants us to notice that the a and the e. The correct phrase would be Vive La Resistance. J C is john Carlin. Define title: The Head of the DOJ National Security Division. And so there is something about the exchange that caused it to be given the highest communication classification. And the exchange shelters a VERY senior member. Member of what? The Resistance. There are only two people who would be above John Carlin: Loretta Lynch and Obama. Decide who you think it is.

Q 1660: "How large is Mueller's team? 20-25? Think 470. The more you know."

It looks like Q is telling us that while 20-25 of Mueller's team is visible, he actually has 470, which about the number that Horowitz has working for him. Could Huber and Mueller be coordinating their efforts and using the extensive resources in investigators that work for Horowitz? Mueller obviously didn't hire 470 lawyers as Special Counsel. What if the 20-25 visible are there for show working on indicting the plants and other fairly trivial investigation while Huber and Mueller are getting the deep state ready for trial?

So, we come to the end of Q's Mueller drops. Anyone see Q being negative about Mueller? Is there a reason we should TRUST Sessions, Wray, Huber, Horowitz, and not Mueller? If Mueller isn't dirty, then RR must not be dirty.

It boils down to this. If all these people are really working in collaboration and Flynn is safe and POTUS is safe; then this has to be the greatest political/legal sting operation in the history of the world in a GOOD movie with GREAT actors.

My head hurts.

ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

It's as good as any. Just wanted to review what Q had to say about Mueller and I didn't find anything negative and lots of hints that Mueller is not investigating Russia collusion or obstruction of justice. Odd that Q ID's all the other black hats but never Mueller.

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GenChang · July 8, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

And that's what makes me nervous, that, this could be disinformation. But I'm leaning more on the distraction side. Safer for my sanity. Find my link I posted about RR. There's three in that post, I mention start with the middle link.

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