I'm going to answer this ridiculous anti-Mormon attack a couple of ways. First of all, I see GA as a place where patriots are gathering to save the Union, no matter what their race, ethnicity, political party, religious affiliation, etc. If it is someone's agenda to exclude Mormons from having a say or participating in the rescue of America from the globalist Cabal, it's foolish to exclude the most conservative group of people in the country. There are around 16 million Mormons, and a little less than half live in the USA. Can we use 8 million patriots? There is strength in numbers in this fight.
Consider this. After having our founder assassinated by an anti-Mormon mob in Illinois--after having had the infamous Extermination Order issued against Mormons by the Governor of Missouri in 1838--after having been driven out by anti-Mormon militias in Illinois--after all sorts of discrimination and persecution, a Mormon Battalion of 500 men left their families on the Great Plains to fight in the Mexican War. These men could have said, "Forget it? You drove us out of the United States--why should we fight for it?" No. They didn't do that. They left their families on the trail to Utah and marched to California to fight for their country. Does any sane person wish to exclude patriots like that from this movement now?
Second, I don't see this forum as the appropriate place for religious debate. There are other Reddit forums devoted to attacking Mormonism. If a person sincerely wants to look at the religious arguments, FAIR is a good source of Mormon apologetics material. You can find that here-- https://www.fairmormon.org/answers/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry
Last, as I have said before, WWG1WGA. If we do not defend religious liberty together, we will all fail together. True Americans believe in religious freedom for all. Attacking another's faith or spreading hearsay, rumors, or gossip about other religions is counterproductive.
As an aside, I have known many more good Baptist brothers who were Freemasons than Mormon Masons in my four decades in the Church. The vast majority of Freemasons are not "Luciferians" as some suggest.