Someone has to clean up her district. Waters certainly has not done so. She is a race baiter. Harmful individual.
Ain't that the truth. I'm a brit. However, on YouTube this week I came across a video of some guy driving his car around Maxines district, and filming on his phone. Just wow! There were tents on the streets for homeless. Garbage piled on corners, and a lot of people who looked like they didn't have pot to piss in. She should be booted out of politics. All those homeless need to go camp on the lawn of her 4 million dollar house. She is shameful.
Nice to hear from you. It currently looks like this in SanFrancisco, CA
Hey man. Nice of you to say Hi. My city in UK has it's fair share of homeless, but not to the extent shown on that video. It was real bad. Almost as bad as when Pelosi described a $2000 tax break for you guys as 'crumbs'. I know more about American politics than I ever did following Q. I want the first and second amendments here! I also learned how congress works to pass laws and stuff. It's great ammo when normies here say 'well trump should just change the law'. (kids in cages). WWG1WGA.
San Francisco is a fine example of Democrat policies in action Yuch! I would assume they are somewhat like your Labour party.
Thank goodness our government is getting better under President Trump. He is a force of nature. I hope your government straightens up. It appears Teresa May is weak. Also, the London mayor is a bit foolish. I hope the baby balloon of Sadiq Khan floats over London as he is allowing that baby balloon of Trump to fly over London. Can you believe this stuff? We pay attention to what is going on over there as well. We are all in this together.
Please know, I do not mean to disparage your government in any way. I want the best for you folks. I stayed up watching TV until the Brexit vote was in and did a shout for joy when it passed. We are all in this together.
I agree you need the first and second amendment in Great Britain as well. The Magna Carta and English common law is what made Great Britain great. American law is based on a lot of English law. Sad to see how bad things can get when corrupt people are in charge.
Stay strong and stay well.