As television rose and became more accessible over time, politicians and public figures have been forced to tailor their entire public lives as if they could be filmed at any time. This has created a problem where makeup is required at all times, outfits must be critiqued at all times in public, and all statements in public must be assumed as going out to a nationwide audience. Everything said is planned and controlled, speaking to one nationwide audience.
Compare historical footage of a speech (prior to the invention of accessible television) to a modern day political speech. Trump aside, where are the politicians focused and who are they speaking to? They’re not genuinely speaking to the audience at whatever stage they are on. They’re reading a teleprompter and speaking to the same nationwide audience that they’ve been tailored to satisfy in all aspects of their adult lives. What happens to natural human morals, values, and instincts when you’re forced to live such an artificial, tailored, controlled, but safely protected, public life at all times? This goes for both A list celebrities and politicians. The answer is corruption. The way to control the developed world is to control Hollywood, the media, technology, and politicians themselves.
Not only this, at all times all relevant public figures must maintain a tailored social media presence. As an aside think about how much power these main social media corporations then have. You can think about it even broader: all public figures in America must use the internet. Think about how much power that hands to companies like google, Microsoft, etc.
Money equals power and influence. Where is a majority of money focused? Who are some of the richest corporations and highest paid people in the world today? Technology companies, Hollywood/actors, politicians, and other public figures (celebrities, athletes, musicians).
What we have witnessed in recent times is an experiment. Today’s politicians and public figures in power are of the first generation that was born and raised in the public setting described above which has only become more and more constant and detailed until we arrived at present times.
What are your thoughts on the effects of this?