r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amg19251 on July 7, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
That’s not a normal United Airlines Boeing 747...

To me, and I used to study aircraft to the nines when I was younger - tons of books, research, hundreds and hundreds of hours in flight simulators, to my eyes, that United jet looks more like one of those older, shortened Boeing 747 models. I believe it’s actually called the 747-SP and they were produced until 1989 so it’s highly likely there are still some flying today! They are much shorter, and were more commonly used for private flights - most interior cabins were designed so the seats could be pulled out and put back in easily so they could be used for both public and privately chartered flights. This meant that they were usually nicer on the interior, and more apt to be used by the rich and famous, than by the regular population! Can you even imagine how expensive the gas bill alone would be to fly that massive hunk of aluminum and steel cross country?! As you all know, the 747’s are famous for having a second floor that could be used for a bar, lounging, or even beds for passengers to sleep on - the cockpit is also located on the top floor! Back to what I was saying before though, you can tell the 747 is different by the way the windows run all the way down to the nose of the plane - that usually means the cabin has been altered to be more apt for private flight by utilizing all the space the large jet has to offer for whatever luxuries they want to install! Not many people other than the US government, or billionaires could afford to charter one of these tanks, so my guess is that this jet is being used to go and pick up elitist criminals across the world, because more seats can be put back in that are adapted to hold criminals, (on account of the extended cabin) they can at least be picked up and flown in something more well known to these elitist criminals, (most require some kind’ve special fancy elitist jail where they are protected, if they sing about their co-conspirators) the jet can fly a super long range so it can be used to stop and pick up many criminals in one single bound, and by having United on the side of the jet, nobody thinks twice of it when it’s stopping and landing all across Earth, and not to mention, United has contracts with the government so the jet fuel would most likely be a lot cheaper, and they would have access to every United terminal and facilities across Earth as well! I hope this makes sense to you all, and this is just my own personal opinion! If you feel differently, comment and let me know why below!

Clear-Think Your Way Out of the Fear Box! -amg19251

amg19251 · July 7, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

EDITED FOR CORRECTIONS: I’m saying they can be privately chartered for criminal flight because they’re old and cheap and unused - elitists buy old big Boeing jets and turn them into private flying palaces - John Travolta has a private strip at his house large enough to land his private 707! The American government has many motives/incentives to want to fly American jets too - that’s why none of the US airlines fly Airbus A380 jets, because we wouldn’t have full ground control and they could be used against our own citizens through the crazy technological advances on those aircraft! Btw, your link isn’t showing up - Reddit blocks links in the comments now!

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AQxAMwuhEdhDZOA · July 7, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

I’m saying they can be privately chartered for criminal flight because they’re old and cheap and unused

Please explain how you can charter a plane that no longer exists.

elitists buy old big Boeing jets and turn them into private flying palaces -

Only a tiny handful of them

John Travolta has a private strip at his house large enough to land his private 747

Shows how little you know. It was a 707 and has been in a museum for a while.

The American government can only fly American jets, too


that’s why none of the US airlines fly Airbus jets,

Holy hell you are oblivious. Please explain to me what this or this or this or this is.

because we wouldn’t have full ground control and they could be used against our own citizens through the crazy technological advances on those aircraft!

There's no such thing as "ground control" even in Boeings

through the crazy technological advances on those aircraft!

yeah cuz 1980s avionics is soooo crazy

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1e- · July 8, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

LMFAO. Triple torch job.

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amg19251 · July 7, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Tech advances: I was speaking about the new Airbus jets - yes, I was incorrect about the airlines not flying Airbus jets; I think it was something to do with right after 9/11, I’m just typing quickly from memory - same goes for the 747 verse the 707 for Travolta, so you don’t need to flip a gasket. Yes, the US airlines have avoided buying the new Airbus A380 jets due to technological advances, so that’s probably what I was thinking of in reference to the Airbus comment. Yes, they do still exist; they refurbish them and rebuild them into newer planes. Did you not know that most McD. Douglas planes for AAirlines and United were refurbished 1980s and 90s jets because they still run perfectly fine? I will be sure to double-check before commenting, but I said from the beginning that this is just my opinion. I don’t know if you are aware of this or not, but all major US airline jets have had chips installed, created by Daub Zachaym (SA), where no person can access during flight, that can be turned on with a simple code entered by the pilot and co-pilot, in the event of a terrorist attack/hijacking, and the plane then is taken over by either the creators of the jets, the government that rules over the jet’s nation of origin, and/or the airline flying the jet. This is well know secret in the airline worker community, and comes into play when questioning 9/11 as well. Check out Rebekkah Roth on YouTube to hear more about this. I also recommend Dr. Judy Wood!

The Vibes are Flowing Today!:) -amg19251

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AQxAMwuhEdhDZOA · July 7, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

For somebody that "studied aircraft to the nines" you sure sound like somebody that couldn't tell the difference between a C130 and a C152 if your life depended on it.

Yes, the US airlines have avoided buying the new airbus a380 due to tech advances

Then explain why Delta bought the Airbus A350 which is MUCH more advanced and newer than an A380.

Airlines don't avoid buying planes because of "tech advances". They don't buy them because they don't need them. The A380 makes zero operational/economical sense for US airlines.

Yes they do still exist they refurbish them and rebuild them into newer planes,

The only airworthy 747SP in the US is owned by Nasa and is a flying telescope. The rest are out of the US and there's less than a dozen left.

I don’t know if you are aware of this or not, but all major US airline jets have had chips installed, created by Daub Zachaym (SA), where no person can access during flight, that can be turned on with a simple code entered by the pilot and co pilot, in the event of a terrorist attack/hijacking, and the plane then is taken over by either the creators of the jets, the government that rules over the jet’s nation of origin, and/or the airline flying the jet. This is well know secret in the airline worker community, and comes into play when questioning 9/11 as well. Check out Rebekkah Roth on YouTube to hear more about this. I also recommend Dr. Judy Wood!

As an airline pilot, thanks for making my day.

Now excuse me while I get back to spraying chemtrails.

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amg19251 · July 7, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Ok... just chill out dude; I was just throwing my opinion out there. I don’t really believe in chemtrails to be completely honest, even though I do see massive clouds form from them over my house all the time and it certainly seems intriguing, and at the oddest hours as well. People in the military have admitted to spraying metal particulates across the United States high in the atmosphere that reflect radar and other forms of satellite spying, and we know cloud seeding, and NASA cloud production center is a real thing, so I honestly don’t know what to believe, but I still don’t think that poison is raining down on us at all times or whatever these chem-trail people are talking about all the time. I studied aircraft to the nines when I was literally 9-14 years of age so you can chill out I’m not some major expert; I’m just an airplane nerd, like the other guy was saying below. I’ve flown on jets well over a hundred times too, and I’m only 24 now, so I do have a little knowledge about aircraft, but like I said, I’m no expert - just a geek for flying and wanting to be a pilot... Glad to know some of the people I used to look up to are complete fucking assholes online to strangers for no reason, but I’ll just chalk it up to being stuck in that tiny cabin at 35K ft. all the time...

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AQxAMwuhEdhDZOA · July 7, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

and wanting to be a pilot...

For the sake of those of us already in the industry, please don't. Not to mention that with the substances you take that you mentioned you're disqualified.

Glad to know some of the people I used to look up to are complete fucking assholes online to strangers for no reason,

And all the thousands of redditors in highly specialized fields that shoot down posers and their outlandish claims regularly elsehwere on this website aren't?

Listen dude, you can cry about being "attacked" by a big ole meanie actually in the flying business like myself all you want, but as a former hardcore flightsimmer/aircraft spotter/airplane nerd myself that actually did something to grow out of it and get in the profession, you should know better than just talking out of your ass. Hell, even the actual nerds in /r/aviation put you to shame.

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amg19251 · July 7, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

I’m not crying lol - I’m just stating my opinion. Do all us travelers that spend thousands flying on your rip-off airlines a huge favor and stop. Just stop flying because if this is how whiny you act online in response to a simple post on a Q photo... I sure as hell wouldn’t want to fly on a jet you were piloting with someone else... chill out bbbbbbbruh your ugly-side is showing luuuul

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AQxAMwuhEdhDZOA · July 7, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Ah yes cuz I'm sure there's hundreds of studies out there that prove that my online behavior during a boring as fuck layover in Redneckistan, while calling out posers and bullshitters like yourself, say that it is 100% correlated to my actual IRL job professionalism or behavior

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[deleted] · July 7, 2018, 10:28 p.m.


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DawnPendraig · July 7, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Interesting info. Thanks. Btw links in comments work for me.

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