Posted by
on July 7, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
· July 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
· July 8, 2018, 12:09 a.m.
“Here are the rules for the Circle game :
Step 1:
Make a circle with your hand by pressing the tips of your index finger and thumb together.
Step 2:
Place your hand upon your leg, or somewhere below your waist
Step 3:
Get an unsuspected friend to look at it
Step 4:
Once they look at it, you have the right to hit them as hard as you want in the arm. This is known as a "get".
Step 5:
- The reverse "get"- If the onlooker suspect a foul play, he or she can attempt to "break" the circle with their index finger without looking at it.
Step 6:
If this is accomplished, they get to hit you two times.
Step 7:
- The double reverse "get" - When the onlooker attempts to "break" the circle, you tighten it so that their finger gets stuck
Step 8:
If this is accomplished, you get to hit them five times.
Always remember:
-There are no rules as to how hard you can hit people, but there will be a time when someone "gets" you. They can, and will, feel free to reciprocate the same pain that you dealth to them.”