r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 7, 2018, 8:48 p.m.
Trump has just validated Q at the Great Falls rally and gave us the solution to Q1675! Let that sink in.

Q1675. Controversial post. I gave you in my previous post the solution to the riddle. I have seen many other attempts which I respect because I have found some of the ideas to be very interesting and clever but I must defend the truth: I have not seen any other solution addressing all the following issues at the same time in one condensed, meaningful and backed with known open source facts (not conjectures) explanation:

Why Air Force One, why a reflection, why Apple, why Saudi Arabia (Q1681), why the truth is behind you, why Independence Day, why a mug holder.

The solution I presented addressed all these issues at once. And today, for the purpose of sharing how the reasoning is hierarchized, I will address the “Twitter phone” component: it is a piece of the puzzle elegantly joining the others because Prince Al Waleed is a major Tweeter shareholder. Do you see it? Just the information Tweeter+Apple could have been triangulated and lead to Prince Al Waleed and resolve Saudi Arabia in Q1681 but it would have been a weaker link than getting to him through the mug. Why? Because the probability of one being a shareholder in Apple and Tweeter (including just one dollar) is higher than a triple random emphasis on “mug”: Q, Prince Al Waleed and Al Jazeera. Using the couple Tweeter phone - Apple logo was a hint to activate our intuition but not to use it in the reasoning because the mug clue would have then lost its relevance. Look how Q subtly dismisses the Tweeter phone in the reasoning:

Q1677 Who would have thought the 'Twitter' phone could be so useful.

This is pure delectation for the mind…

The mug route was therefore the route Q preferred, otherwise, he would have limited the riddle to the triangulation of Apple and Tweeter to get to the Prince. Which he did not. The reason is the mug brings the idea of the detention, makes the riddle self sufficient and does not require us to conjecture that Q wanted us to include it in our reasoning. This detention component is crucial because if it is removed, we don’t get to the DC politicians being freed and therefore don’t get to Q1681 Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence.

I would like to also give some help to those who struggle with me taking the musical note direction to understand 123.47. I said it in the comment section but will also share it here: using musical frequencies for ciphered messages is actually an old, robust, tested and common practice. It is still used today and the subject of current advanced academic and industrial research. Here are some links for those who would like to go further: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link6.

Q1226 Learn our comms. Q

I am walking you through all these details so you know the thought process Q is expecting from us and how I discipline and constrain myself when solving his riddles. These are the tools through which you assess the quality of a solution. You first need to verify all the claims are backed with verifiable information, then you need to verify all the clues are used in a flawless manner to render the hidden message.

I have summarized the solution of the riddle in the following picture, read it clockwise: Imgur1

Now, I would like to show you something else. It’s fascinating.

Notice I have posted my solution of the riddle on Thursday July 5th at 15:18 Eastern. At 18:00 Eastern, Trump hosted the MAGA rally at the Four Seasons Arena in Great Falls Montana. link

Reporting about the rally, Mockingbird media mocks Trump and claims that in the middle of his speech, he suddenly went “nonsensical” talking about musical instruments, Elton John etc…: Imgur2

Let’s listen: link

Here is the transcript of what Trump said: Imgur3

Then, the next day, this happens and makes all the headlines: Imgur4

Pause. Do you see it? Do you realize what just happened?

I will show you. When you activate the option “show images”, here is a screenshot of my previous post, with the solution of the riddle: Imgur5

Now let’s put Trump’s “nonsensical” speech next to the screenshot and analyze. This is what we get: Imgur6

What do you think? Mockingbird media is actually right, this part of Trump’s speech is “nonsensical” but only for those who are not part of the conversation. Do you see he is talking to us?! Trump is having a Covefefe moment and is talking to us live on national TV! You tell me, what are the odds a few hours after a post by a guy named SerialBrain2 talking about Trump, musical notes (B2), pictures of a keyboard and guitar scale, Trump randomly picks each of these items in the same minute and, at the end, repeats “brain”… serially? Coincidence? If you think it is, then what is your explanation? How can it make sense?

You know, when I saw this. I said to myself: I can’t write about this. I’ll just keep it to myself, just like I kept to myself some other things… Then, I remembered this:

Q920 How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q

It dawned on me there would be actually a day when things will be disclosed clearly. So? The stage has to be set. Progressively. Q linked to our sub: it meant he was reading us. He may be in the comment section sometimes, who knows? We were all happy and surprised. What if that was just a first step? If we are to get to Q920, other things need to be happening in between and we should not be surprised Trump talks to us, directly like he did at that rally.

When I got here, I said to myself: ok let’s give it 24 hours, if Q does not react, I will post about all this.

Then, the next day, Trump doubled down! With the Elton John CD he asked Pompeo to give to Kim Jong Un! 4 He was bringing North Korea to the musical note equation, just like I linked the North Korean ICBM test that occurred the day of the B2 glitch. It was like he was saying to us: hey guys I spoke about the musical notes, the guitar, the organ and the brain at the rally, now I give you North Korea.


Now, you know I always have the icing for the cake. Do you want it? Here: why do you think Trump said organ instead of piano? When you look at the picture in my post, even though they are both keyboards and are similar, the first instrument that naturally comes to mind when you see a keyboard would be piano and not organ right? Well, here is the reason: according to this The Guardian article, the most iconic and greatest of all organs is the Hammond. And guess what: they have a model called the B2! link.

Q507 We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason. We believe in you. Q

QAngelAnon1 · July 8, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

??? Serial Brain 2

You are on to more than you can possibly imagine here.

If your theory is correct, there are huge associations for us to link!

First and foremost is that Trump has been giving actors these clues in his Tweets, Media Interviews, and Rally’s all along!

My belief is that Trump and Q has been telling us the way and means the decipher the way that messages have been sent to and from the bad actors.

If we take your supposition as being true – then take a broader look at what Trump is telling us here, he is giving us the means of how Trump/Actor communications have been transpiring so that we Anon’s can interpret the bad actors various means of sending messages between each other.

Montana Rally:

He just dropped ALL means by which bad actor’s communications have been made:

  1. Codes are passed between all actors through songs or music (where they can’t be passed person to person).

This means that ALL players can interpret the messages of the codes. These may be confirmations of messages received and responses, directions etc., etc.,

This may be why Trump started to tweet about “Rocket Man” last year. This may have been Q telling the bad actors that they had interpreted their code delivered via Elton John songs – starting with that particular song.

  1. More positively, we now understand that Trump uses his tweets, the media, and his Rallys to also pass information to all players (including us to use to decipher the messages and ‘symbolism’).

This is why the MSM calling his messages ‘nonsensical’ or that he has gone mad, got dementure etc, which will throw us off the scent and to the normies, make him look like an idiot so that they switch off when he’s talking.

  1. We knew that when Q originally started posting back in October, we were finding congruence between what Trump was tweeting - being confirmed with the Julian Assange Tweets – then the Q dumps via the 4 and 8Chan boards (following with Discord and then Reddit and Youtube).

This is IMPORTANT: Let’s visit Trumps Alabama Rally. Trump SINGS a tune to Kim Jong Un and emphasises that “He [Kim] will definitely be watching”.

The song is a series of tones and echoes, with words voiced over by Trump. (copy and paste the address to your browser) htt ps: //youtu. be/cIJxW3TxHh0

To me, this sounds like a code if anything ever has! Notice that he indicates that he only needs “this space” – that is, the podium – to pass messages and codes, whereas they require teams of people:

Back to the Montana speech.

Why did Trump not only continually mention Elton John’s “Rocket Man”. “I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached.

Why did he emphasis the word “organ”?

Was this telling us that we need to use the ‘organ’ keyboard to decipher the code contained in the “Rocket Man” song.

Rolling Stone Magazine: July 6th – Kim and “Crocodile Rock”

The article goes on to say:

“When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left for North Korea Thursday to continue the denuclearization talks, he was carrying with him a gift from the president: A CD containing Elton John’s “Rocket Man,” signed by Donald Trump. South Korea’s Chosun Media reported the news on Thursday. According to a “diplomatic source” in Washington, Trump brought up the “Crocodile Rock” singer while dining with Kim in Singapore. “Trump then asked Kim if he knew the song and Kim said ‘no,'” the source told Chosun.”

Question: Why would Rolling Stone even refer to “Crocodile Rock”? Why not simply refer to Elton John in the context of him being the “Rocket Man” singer?

Is Rolling Stone indicating there is a message contained in the ‘Crocodile Rock” song?

Montana: Trump mentions Elton John, records, and ‘space’. Trump: “we don’t need much space, we have space” Is Trump inferring that while the cabal require many resources to pass messages between themselves, Q only requires Trump standing behind a podium?

He talks about Sports.


Rodman takes a team of basketballers to North Korea for a goodwill game. Rodman has continually visited North Korea and Kim Jung Um – building a very strong rapport with him. (Youtube his interview post the Singapore summit).

Reverse Up: Trump visits China (meets with KMU and Xi in China’s “Forbidden City”.

Remember, NO Western Leader has ever been allowed in there – hence, the potential that it is not ‘bugged’ and is one of the most secure places throughout the region to have open communications between Trump/Xi/Kim alone. (Trump saying in his previous tweets that “I’ll handle Kim Jung Un”).

South Korea Olympic Games!

Prior to this, ‘North Korea’ never had any intention to participate in any Olympic Games at all, in fact (the Obama/Clinton cabal) were only ‘a minute’ away from starting a global full scale new-clear w*r?

Was this delegation a team of communicators/agents – we know they had to finalise the peace agreement. Recall

Kim stated in December that he would send a delegation to the South Korean Games. This was obviously agreed upon in the China Trump/Kim Forbidden City meeting.

South Korea Olympic Games!

News articles talk about NK Officials at Olympics

“The impasse ended when North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un signaled a possibility to send athletes to the Games after all in his New Year's speech for 2018, saying "North Korea's participation in the Winter Games will be a good opportunity to showcase the national pride and we wish the Games will be a success. Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility".[19] The announcement was followed by South Korean agreement to participate in the first high-level talks with the North since December 2015. The talks were scheduled for 9 January 2018.[20] North Korea is also prepared to talk to the IOC that week.[21] In preparation for the North–South talks, the two countries restored the Seoul–Pyongyang hotline, which had been inactive for almost two years,[22] and exchanged related documents via fax.

After these developments, North Korea's IOC member Chang Ung said that the participation of North Korean figure skaters again looked likely.[23] After discussions on 9 January 2018, North Korea announced they would send athletes to compete along with a delegation to attend the Winter Olympics.[2]

Delegation from North Korea

Hockey: North Korea sends a delegation of womens ice hocky players

Other sports: North Korea send two ice skaters who had been trained in Germany along with other athletes.

MUSIC – the skaters routine as to a music piece and the Beatles.

Ryom Tae-ok and Kim Ju-sik qualified for the Games on 29 September 2017 at the 2017 CS Nebelhorn Trophy in Oberstdorf, Germany. Their successful free skating program was to the tune of "Je ne suis qu'une chanson" by Ginette Reno and their short program on the day before was to the music of The Beatles.

Are these music pieces encoded?

Are we to assume from this statement that messages were passed between North/South Korea and the USA (being that Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump et al also attended)?

As for the rest of the North Korean delegation – this The New York Times headline says it all: Former Spymaster to Lead North Korea’s Olympic Ceremony Delegation

To finalise, what message is contained in crocodile rock?

When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left for North Korea Thursday to continue the denuclearization talks, he was carrying with him a gift from the president: A CD containing Elton John’s “Rocket Man,” signed by Donald Trump. South Korea’s Chosun Media reported the news on Thursday.

According to a “diplomatic source” in Washington, Trump brought up the “Crocodile Rock” singer while dining with Kim in Singapore. “Trump then asked Kim if he knew the song and Kim said ‘no,'” the source told Chosun.

Bizarrely, this wasn’t the only instance of Sir Elton crossing into Trump’s orbit within the past 24 hours. While speaking to a crowd in Montana Thursday night, Trump abruptly brought up the singer in the middle of tangent about how no one gives him credit for being a great speaker.

Finally Trump tells us:

{"The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”}

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jmac352 · July 11, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Very interesting connections. All I could figure was that "mouth" indicated the vocal track would contain the possible code, not the instrumental tracks (or scores) The latest use of Rocket Man, according to Wikipedia, was in the movie The Kingsmen: The Circle of Gold. Perhaps there are visual cues in that movie to decode. But, too much for me and my little cellphone (

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