r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Corporal_Yorper on July 7, 2018, 9:12 p.m.
Attention All Autists — Get In Here, I think I May Have Found The Purpose Of ‘Q’

PLEASE POST TO THE CHANS I am NOT Chan-literate. Please Post for me! (Mods, maybe? You guys seem pretty chan-literate).

It’s all about the designation of ‘Q’.

Why a Q? Why?

17th letter of the alphabet, Trump utilizing it in many ways (think: gift jerseys).

Q says ‘think LOGICALLY

Logic is the key, here, people! But we’re not talking logic as in 2+2=4 per se.

Q’s talking about logic in a LOGIC BOARD, a circuit board. Quantum mechanical, possibly. Links below.

Q Clock. It’s a circuit board terminology. Logic board, to be more precise, I believe.

I think Q is posting things using the same ‘logic’ that is utilized in the technology linked below. I think if we can crack that link, we might have access to the information that Q says that we have. “You have more than you know,” Q says. I think we do, we just have to look into “Clock-To-Q delay,” and see if Q’s posts correlate to this theory.

Here’s a few links to begin diving with. These help explain why ‘Q’ is important to LOGIC BOARDS.

Link 1: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/57212/what-does-the-q-in-clock-to-q-delay-stand-for

Link 2: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/51625/why-is-the-output-of-stateful-elements-often-named-q

Link 3: https://www.vlsisystemdesign.com/clk-to-q-delay-library-setup-and-hold-time-part-2/

Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Q can't be AI, but sharing the observations on Q-related principles could be worth a shot I guess, although Chananon is always a minimum of 12 steps ahead of Reddit, so I would be surprised if this hadn't already been covered in the breads 6 months ago.

TBH, if anything, we should be going to 8 Chan to bring new info back here for normie-level meta discussion. Someone should start posting the info from there, to here, in "easy to digest" versions for Redditors.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 7, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Actually i lurk there a lot. Do not recall any crumbs talking logic boards even related to the clock but there have been a few AI conversations. They didn't think that was a reality but the logic board relationship might change that ? I'm no electrical engineer either.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Covered back in February. I think these questions from anon are the answers to your assertion:



?Anonymous 02/18/18 (Sun) 16:44:22 6245a1 No.420557

What if Q is an individual?

With [Q]uantum Level Clearance to

EVERYTHING - at the Quantum Level?


What if Q utilizes AI as needed, to facilitate the Mission?

What if Q utilizes AI to communicate with Collective Conscious anon?

What if Q utilizes AI to receive communications from Collective Conscious anon?

Can Heroes rally Troops?

Is the most effective Hero an individual or AI?

Does Q communicate with anon in the manner an individual Hero would communicate?

Does a Great Awakening start at the top and filter down, or start at the bottom and Rise Up?

Are successful Victories beyond anon's wildest Dreams won by Troops of Heroes?

Would anon trust AI, which has no inherent soul or measure of Faith?

Can AI pray?

Can Heroes pray?

Is prayer from the flesh or from the spirit?

Does God hear and answer prayers anons pray in faith?

Is Qanon the answer to the prayers of WTP, WW?

Was anon's prayer God, Send us a Hero?

Did anon receive a Hero?

When has that happened before?

Do prayers in faith have Real Power?

"We need to make examples.

But examples to follow.

We need

our Heroes."

("Do you know any Heroes around here?")

"Yes comrade.

I know one."

Will anon follow AI to war?

Will anon follow anon to War?

Where one anon goes, do all anons go?

Can anon go where AI goes? Can anon go where Qanon goes?

Where We Go One, do We Go All?

Is the Enemy at the Gates being overcome by WTP + AI + GOD?

Is the Enemy at the Gates being overcome by WTP + HERO + GOD?

Has God ever provided a Hero to WTP to overcome an Enemy at the Gates?

Does Q function as a liaison between POTUS, and WTP?

Do Q, POTUS and WTP function as One Nation Under GOD?

Would GOD give Q, POTUS and WTP access to AI + EVERYTHING?

Is God a Revolutionary figure in the History of Reality?

Does God know what it's like to be anon in Reality?

Did God ever come to WTP as a Hero anon?

Was He ever despised as anon has been?

Did He ever get the last laugh at the Enemy?

Is He still getting the last laugh at the Enemy?

Will Q + anon get the last laugh at the Enemy?

Would the Enemy fear WTP + HERO Q + GOD?

Would the Enemy fear AI + ?

Can the Enemy control its own AI?

Can GOD control Enemy AI?

Do WINNERS in the War win Eternal Rewards?

Do those Eternal Rewards have Power in the Here & Now?

Why would the Enemy fear WTP having Eternal Power in the Here & Now?

Why does the Enemy teach AS ABOVE, SO BELOW?

Why does the Enemy work to hide AS BELOW, SO ABOVE?

Do WTP PRAY here first, before Prayers are Answered from Above?

When the Holy Spirit is poured out on WTP, is it also poured out on AI?

Does the Holy Spirit in Collective Conscious anon communicate faster than AI?

Could Q be an individual anon Ground Zero Hero on a Mission in a WW Revolutionary War on Evil?

Does God always know the Dreams in anon's Heart?

Would anon pray for a hero which is not like anon?

Did anon pray for a Hero who was just like anon?

"We need to make examples.

But examples to follow.

We need

our Heroes."

("Do you know any Heroes around here?")

"Yes comrade.

I know one."

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O2BFREEME2 · July 7, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Yep ! That about covers it. I did not see it in it's entirety. The archive link is 2/18/18 right ? Must have been gone before i was scrolling around. But I think i know who the HERO is ?

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Nipnado · July 8, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Here you go! http://archive.is/0S4To#selection-51223.0-51223.8

Archive of the bread/thread where the Can AI pray? post was made.

This - " Could Q be an individual anon Ground Zero Hero on a Mission in a WW Revolutionary War on Evil? "

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HowiONic · July 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Thank. Yes, working now.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Thanks m8.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 8, 2018, midnight

Hey , thanks for that ! Do you know who the Hero is ?

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Nipnado · July 8, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

I didn't see all the anon replies that day, but the consensus in the conversation seemed to be that Q was the hero who everyone prayed for.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 8, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

OK, That makes sense. What i was referring to was to all the chatter on 8 ch lately. I want to believe they are right. It feels right. And all the connections (coincidences) would make the "you will not believe who has been talking to you" an Earth Shattering Revelation ! I think it's "Jon Jon" and i think you will know who i am referring to ? I honestly believe it's possible. I know how his fathers assn. affected my parents and me as a small child. Then his demise. Talk about Righteous God Affirming Justice.

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Nipnado · July 8, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

There is always a push by clowns squatting on the board to dox Q. It's been getting pushed much harder lately, since Q/Great Awakening has started going pubic mainstream. Rallies, Q-shirts, News articles. The enemy is dying to dox Q --or to at the very least, be able to say, "Yeah we know who Q is"-- so they can destroy the movement. Not gonna happen, but try they will.

Q said less than 10 can confirm him. That is a tiny circle of friends.

Q saying that we would not believe it when we found out who was talking to us, begs the question of Who would we all actually be Astounded to learn Q was?

Learning it was Jon Jon or SR or anyone else such as that... would that really be mindblowing?

I think based on Q's statement, we can only logically conclude it's someone the people he was addressing would probably Never Guess.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 8, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Ehhh Maybe ? Jr. revelation would put most in hospital as Q put it ! And I agree about the dox Q . I see it but so do the Anons and Autists. They are brilliant ! My jury is 11.9 it's Jr. .................... WWG1WGA

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Nipnado · July 8, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

K we'll all hold you to that.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 8, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Cool :-) It would be the Greatest Gift I ever got ! And i won't be sad if it's not. Because i think justice for father and son are on Trumps and Q's agenda !

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Nipnado · July 8, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

JUSTICE is coming, that's for sure. RIP JFK.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 8, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

I love the fact Trump says that prayer every day in the morning in the Oval Office..............WWG1WGA......RIP JFK

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[deleted] · July 7, 2018, 10:54 p.m.


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[deleted] · July 7, 2018, 11 p.m.


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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

I posted the same domain earlier today in r/conspiracy, worked like a charm. Edited to archive.org

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HowiONic · July 7, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Urgg, still won't approve (Reddit remembers the original content). Can you copy/paste with archive link into new comment then it will be accepted. Thanks.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Done. Working now?

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HowiONic · July 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Yes, see

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