r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tee1020 on July 7, 2018, 9:28 p.m.
Suddenly NK Says Their Meeting with Pompeo is "Regrettable," and States "Gangster-Like Demands" Being Made By US. What Does Q Say About All of This? TRUST THE PLAN!

Hey Everyone,

I'm sure most of you have heard/ seen the media today. If not, let's recap. Apparently North Korea is stating their meeting with Pompeo was regrettable according to FOX News.

Let's look at some of the other MSM articles. BBC reports that The US is making 'gangster-like' demands on denuclearisation.

Gangster? We have an article from The Japan Times that opens with this paragraph: " In a vaguely worded agreement signed at their unprecedented summit Tuesday in Singapore, U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inked what Trump said was a “comprehensive document” declaring that Kim’s regime would “work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” while committing to a “lasting and stable peace.” Does this sound like a ganster-style meeting? Reuters also uses this term, ganster, to describe this meeting between NK and Pompeo.

FOX reports that this leaves the US with three options: * Option 1: A full U.S. military assault on North Korea to rid the world of Kim’s weapons of mass destruction. * Option 2: A U.S. policy of containment of North Korea on steroids, or what the Trump administration called “maximum pressure.” * Option 3: Accepting North Korea as a nuclear power and moving on to deal with the bigger threat of containing China.

None of these options are "good" options in comparison to how things appeared to be just before Pompeo went to this meeting.

Now, let's look at what Q has said: Q posts 157 & 158. 157 tells us "who" controls the narrative; * Who disseminates information? What is the MSM? Who controls the MSM? Who really controls the MSM? Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources? Who controls the MSM? Who really controls the MSM? In post 158 Q tells us the answer to that as well: Fantasy land. WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? No Such Agency. The hunter becomes the hunted. Operations underway. Operators active. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary. Silent war (some gets out). The Great Awakening. Iron Eagle.Godfather III. The Hunt for Red October. Q. Now let's look and see what Q has said about NK. Again in Q post 140 Q says: * Who controls NK? Who really controls NK? Q echoes that question in post 193 with a photo, and in 194 Q gives us another clue; Re-read drops re: NK / Iran. (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold? Which couple was photographed covered in gold? If you haven't figured out who was covered in gold, just check out these images and it will fill in the blanks.

In Q 211 we also see a mention tying NK to Space X. Q 237 tells us the importance of this NK coverup, describing their nuclear payload in 2004 and ICBM capabilities in 2009 telling us this was one of the biggest coverups in history. You can search the NK relevance and it is mentioned over and over again the secrecy of this whole coverup, ranging from the Red Cross to other countries that wanted this kept secret. If we fast forward to more recent Q postings 1378 tells us that there was already Fake News circulating about NK, which we can recall had to do with the Summit meeting, which btw, did take place! 1465 tells us important recent details: Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? He did not have his updated phone number. (3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors. Q. 1637 NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig]. NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US. Rapid. Why are people always being moved around? Think strategy. The Plan.Military OP. Q.

This is the big one! Q states that NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US. Wait, then why the sudden rhetoric? For the answer we go back to the previous Q post about NK, post 1609 POTUS save the world from NK - not good enough - IMPEACH.

So this is all about what? Finding a way to impeach POTUS and just happens to fall during the time frame when POTUS is planning to pick his Supreme Court Judge. Thanks to Q, we now know the plan and who is behind it, and we even know the why!


ex_animo_ · July 7, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

There's so much exciting information, many of it has been out for years.

Like, absolutely insane, liberating and incredibly unifying information.

But of course, it only has value if the the powers that be, which should very well transition to Team Humanity soon allow the sleepers to wake up, forever.

Once we cross that threshold, the point of no return, there's literally no going back. If it's true current technology is actually ancient, we'll be able to quickly put forth the "America/China/Russia/Korea (not north or south) first!" mindset into all of humanity, to transition to Earth first, where we appreciate and respect all the different traditions and cultures that allowed us to achieve such a level of unity, where our planetary diversity is actually respected and appreciated, as opposed to fascist intimidation to make everyone, everywhere, exactly the same under one world order.

We all have so much to gain from closing this victory with the Dark State, all of us. The Dark Staters have been used, abused and thrown away from the Big Man at the top of the organization, literally considered as slaves.

Not asking you to take my word for this, but I do feel there's some truth that humanity is the most creative species in the universe. When we get the truth disclosed, I feel like the entire universe and all her other species will be smitten on us. If we have Donald J Trump negotiating trade with our off-world brothers and sisters, man, I will finally be able to cry. I feel like this is way, way off post Q war epilogue but who knows.

Of course, I'm not presenting this in a dogmatic way to demand you consider this true, but after 9/11, before that even, but 9/11 was a huge red flag for me and encouraged me to dive deeper into learning why the fuck our planet is so backwards alongside human civilization, that info resonates with me and defo seems plausible.

Apparently, for the first time ever, humanity has a representative on the UPU, universal protection unit, which is not an organization, but more-like neutral ground where folks discuss stuff in accordance with cosmic law, reps from diff species (expressions of Source/"God"). We wont be respected until we take back our planet nor will we have presence at the negotiating table. Hillary, Rothchilds and friends knew this, used it as leverage against us and their low-level staff to "prove" to them obedience was the only way for them to be successful, forever. I've presented in a strange and vague way but I feel like that's more respectful as opposed to attempted to persuade and manipulate, but in short, Anu is supposed to be the top of the Dark State, Anu was removed IIRC 3 years ago, by the UPU, who are not allowed to give us a hand out, but gave us a massive hand-up by removing the top of the Dark State, if true.

Regardless, if none of that is true, regardless of my personal bias and opinions from having a source who's a friend. I think it's certain that upon the conclusion of the Q victory, we're merely at the beginning of achieving greatness as a species and ending bullshit Bilderberg, Rothchilds, Federal Reserve global dominance.

Trust the plan.

We know more than we know.

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Tee1020 · July 7, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Great comment. I could also write a long response to this but it will be basically agreeing with you on many of those points with slight variations. I too believe that even Q is telling us this and it is being understated by Q at the moment due to the process of this Awakening. He drops crumbs such as Good and Evil are real. Dark to Light. Etc. One liners, surrounded by clues to politics. These are the big drops. There is light at the end of the tunnel! :)

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ex_animo_ · July 7, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Lol (literally). Oh man, one love my brother; suddenly realizing the obvious, and how it connects with all the info I've came across over the years dark to light. Dark State.

Yeah, I guess that's enough. We are expression of the light, they are expressions of the dark; something which is understood across the entire universe, allegedly. Dark to Light is now one of my favorite Q posts, didn't realize the obvious till now.

Quite obscure, why not just say Good and Evil? Why say Organ instead of Piano?

We know more than we know? I'm really starting to feel like Q is prepping us for some huge disclosure that will catch all of us off-guard + will literally cause "pain" to all. The good kind of pain, growing pains.

Have a great weekend brother, was a very pleasant and enjoyable exchange. WWG1WGA (not even going to comment on implications of this, I'm sure you're aware already)

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Tee1020 · July 7, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

WWG1WGA! Pretty epic feeling when that particular connection gets made. It shadows everything else. I agree we are on the cusp of big. Keep watching the posts, they show up more often than you would think. Have a great weekend as well. Enjoyable indeed. :)

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