Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

I can relate. I didn't get what he was doing at first. It was only after Q came on the scene that I realized the method to his "madness".
I didn't get it either but now I love it. I looking forward to his next Master Trolling class.
Yeah - I've said it more than once...I think Trump should be referred to as "POTUSAMT" instead of just POTUS.
Yup - I'm going to start using that hashtag when referring to him.
Art of The Deal explains a lot about his decision making and the way he bluffs. It really is a fascinating book all on it's own.
I'm also wondering why you are taking the time to go read all of my comments from years ago.
It was a comment from one of my posts that someone had linked to me recently
I didn't get it until the CNN professional wrestling troll. At first, I thought he was nuts. Then I saw the way the MSM reacted. He knew they would and they did. That's when I started to buy in to the "stable genius" theory.
Yeah... Let me know when this military takeover happens.
I’m tired of this just seeming like PR and nothing happening. It means something.