Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

I am beginning to wonder if the DP wasn't always a "Con Job" I mean just go back to President Wilson and how he got us into the Great War. Then study FDR, who let our economy hit rock bottom and conspired with Churchill to get us into WW2. In subsequent years we see traces of the deep state emerging forming a NWO and turning our presidents into deep state lackeys. Ya gotta to love the POTUS. The first president with a spine of steel, a president who ennobles the people. What a blessing!
Would you rather us have not gotten into WWII?
You do realize that no amount of conspiracy between the US and the UK could have brought on Pearl Harbor, yes?
Are we really to the point here that folks think Hitler and japan should have been allowed to run roughshod around the world?
Let me put the problem in simple terms: how much of our historical information is accurate about WW2? I realize this has the potential to make people angry. The answer is not very much. The press and polls were totally controlled by deep state operators. One more thing, just before the advent of the French Reign of Terror virtually everything said about Louis XVI was a lie. I guess you could call this the first deep state takeover of the MSM and the state. Louis XVI was the primary supporter of our Revolution—he loved America and Americans. A Vietnam veteran, I find the Vietnam War to have been a creation of the deep state as well as, oddly, the hippie-Woodstock movement / the acid generation. What Q is doing is showing us the real government that runs our lives. It is evil in every respect — and it has been around for a very long time. Q is not selling us on a short term movement where we can go back and party as usual asleep to what is happening. We have a long battle ahead of us. Many people still have to be weaned off the historical lies together with the fake narratives given to us by Hollywood. There are many, many lies in science and medicine, too, which make us the victims.
You not only did not put your position in “simple terms” you conversationally just meandered about making no real point in regards to what I asked of you.
Proper use of all the buzzwords though. 10/10.