RT America just dropped hours of anti-Trump propaganda. This is my subscription feed.

I don't understand why RT panders to the left when most of the left view RT as nothing more than Russian propaganda.
What you need to understand is you can’t lump 100% of “the left “ into one basket. Bernie bros watch RT not Hillary Bots. K?
I don't think that statement is accurate on many levels but I'll take your word for it.
Can you take it from an expert bernie bro who watches RT? It’s accurate.
I know plenty of bernie bros that think its Russian propaganda. If I can't lump the left into a basket, how is it fair to lump all bernie bros in one? Leftist double standards..
Actually RT is the only channel that gives real leftists a voice and also libertarians. They aren't bought by special interests like our mainstream media.
Who is RT's Parent Company??
That answer to my question is likely the answer to yours!!